The Champions

Sir Coleman Brightblade - Male Paladin of Heironeous

History: Sir Coleman hails from a long line of devout paladins from the city of Vespera. He has spent years traveling across the Span, fighting against evil forces that threaten the innocent. His unwavering dedication to justice and righteousness has earned him both respect and fear among those who oppose him.    

Veneta Wildheart - Female Ranger

  History: Venetagrew up in a forest hamlet near Rosewood, learning the ways of nature and the art of survival from her mentors. She's an expert tracker and has navigated the wilds with ease. Her experiences have given her a deep respect for the balance of life and the interconnectedness of all living things.    

Sister Makena Lighthammer- Female Cleric of St. Cuthbert

History: Sister Makena was raised in a monastery dedicated to St. Cuthbert in Waveshire. She has traveled across the Span, dispensing justice and guiding those who seek the teachings of her deity. Her firm yet compassionate demeanor has earned her the trust of many seeking guidance.  

Thaddeus Stormweaver

History: Thaddeus is a scholarly wizard from the Arcane Academy of Silverhaven, who has delved deeply into the study of protective magics. He has spent years researching ancient tomes and forgotten ruins across the Span, seeking to unravel the secrets of powerful wards and shields against magical threats.