The Defiance of the Plume

Some think it's a hoax, some say that it's an intertwined group of bards and thieves that are seeking to over throw the governement in the span. Other's believe that they are heroes looking to protect commoners from the evil oppressive rule of the Bastion. Few know the truth, fewer still outside of the Plume.    When the Duke, Elias Preston, died in 581CY the Span was shaken. He was killed, dropped from the cliffs of Thunderstone and his body never recovered. The Duke seemed to be a wholesome story, a young farming boy from Rosewood that rose to fame with his homegrown style to be the king of bards by his 40s.    But, the truth is tends to be stranger than fiction...   Origins Elias was a talented bard that grew up in Rosewood and gained local fame with his style. In 551CY, when the Ritual of Ascension was upon the Span and the bastion was looking for new members, he left his wife and young daughter at home went to Epoch as an Apprentice. He did very well and was a clear crowd favorite. The night before the Bastion was to make their choice, Jowan Cormak approached Elias. He said that the 7th seal was no place for a man with a wife and family. But, the Bastion needed someone to sing their praises across the Span and if he agreed to write compositions and perform them Jowan would silently fund him and assure he was the greatest performer in the Span.    Fame and fortune was too tempting, and he took the deal. He performed at the Ascension to a massive crowd in Epoch and after that it was a whirlwind. He travelled to all the major cities once a month and to the smaller towns and hamlets in between. Night after night, for the next twenty years. The gold flowed, but he became disconnected from his family. Something dark was taking hold of his soul. Elias partook of every debauchery that was presented, every substance offered. He didn't know who he was anylonger. But, he also didn't recognize his family.    Lisza, his daughter had grown to be a beautiful young woman and she hated her father for his absense. She also fell into a life of abuse and hedonism. The last time Elias saw Lisza was in Driftwood. She was running with a bad crowd, and Elias could see the error of his ways. He begged her to come home with him, but she denied him and left. Lisza went missing after that. Nothing came from the investigations and it was assumed that she was dead.   In 583CY, Elias was performing in Epoch and after the show he went to the taverrn to come down, and he saw Lyza sittng at the table. It had been over 10 years and she hadn't aged. She was wearing a lovely dress and looked like a proper noble woman. He ran to her, tears in his eyes and in a drunken drugfilled haze. He hugged his little girl, only to have her push him away. She said that she wasn't Lyza, she was known as Astar Elias was confused and knew is daughter, but her power as she pushed him away was otherworldly. Then, under the effects of the drugs in his system, he saw something. A vision of her with a flaming hallow and hellish wings. He saw the soul of his little girl crying out from this woman, calling for help from her daddy reaching to him but he was unable to help her. He knew this thing wasn't his daughter, and he needed to save her.    Elias left that evening and went back to Melodyweave College and began his work. Under the pretense of working on his next composistions, he studied everything he could on possessions and evil outsiders. But, the library was lacking. Even the libraries of Epoch had incomplete transcripts of Eondal's works. He went to the Head Minstral of the College, Elister Dean, and requested to see the original works of Eondal and Elistar agreed. But that night, Elias was attacked in the halls of Melodyweave and barely escaped, leaping from the cliffs and barely escaping a fall to his death with a dimensional door spell.    Elias went underground, letting the span think he was dead. He began finding others that shared his experience with lost loved ones and formed the Plume. Their goal is to cut these monsters out by the root and restore the Span to it's glory.
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