The Ruby Church

The Church of Wee Jas holds great power and exhibits various aspects. Being dedicated to the goddess of death, it elicits a blend of fear and awe among people. While they find solace in the church's protection over graves, they can never completely shake off the uneasiness associated with death. Although the church includes practitioners of necromancy, they are strictly limited to scholarly pursuits. Only Wee Jas herself is permitted to transcend the boundaries of life and death. The sole exception lies with individuals who extend their own lives, but even they must do so in pursuit of knowledge and be willing to relinquish their existence once their studies conclude. Furthermore, the church also serves as a haven for those who value their physical appearance and seek refuge from ugliness, owing to its affiliation with the goddess of vanity.   However, the true essence of this organization lies in its role as the church of the goddess of magic. Magic represents the ultimate power, granting the ability to defy the so-called laws of nature and reshape the world in a more desirable form. Yet, mastering the entirety of magic requires more than a single lifetime. Only by diligently studying the works of past sages and wizards can one truly grasp the depth of this power.   The transition of mortals from this world does not mean that their knowledge must perish alongside them. The church frequently employs necromancy to communicate with the spirits of deceased master mages, in hopes of reclaiming lost wisdom. Consequently, the Ruby Church delves into the study of death to further expand its command over magic. Temples devoted to the Ruby Sorceress abound with the ancient bones of long-departed mages. They house meticulously preserved scrolls, which contain the distilled knowledge and research amassed during their lifetimes.  


The Church of Wee Jas harbors a general distrust towards the Church of Pelor, as the deities of life and death perceive each other as adversaries. However, it's important to note that Wee Jas herself is not inherently evil. In fact, her followers hold a deep disdain for the cult of Nerull, who manipulates death and undeath as weapons, thereby distorting the natural cycle of life and death. Additionally, there exists a rivalry between Wee Jas's church and that of Boccob, as their domains of magic overlap.  

Tithe and Membership

In order to uphold their membership within the Ruby Temple, individuals are required to regularly contribute tithes on a monthly basis. Aspiring members who seek promotion within the temple are tasked with a significant undertaking. They must dedicate a continuous period of 24 hours in one of the crypts located beneath a Wee Jas temple. Within this time, they are expected to establish a connection with the departed souls interred there through the practice of magic.
Religious, Organised Religion
Notable Members
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