The White Guard

Anointed Guard: The White Guard of Epoch

Classification: Elite Military Order
Affiliation: Bastion of Ascension, Metropolis of Epoch
Role: City Defense, Protectors of the Bastion of Ascension
Colors: White and Silver
Symbol: A gleaming white tower with crossed swords beneath it


The Anointed Guard, more commonly known as the White Guard, is an elite order of knights and warriors responsible for the defense of the Metropolis of Epoch. They are sworn to protect the Bastion of Ascension, the city’s most sacred and strategically significant stronghold. The White Guard serves as the backbone of Epoch's privatized military, making it one of the few cities capable of fielding its own professional army independent of the regional powers.


The White Guard was founded during the early years of Epoch’s rise to prominence as a hub of commerce, magic, and innovation. As the city grew in power and influence, it became a prime target for outside threats—rival cities, ambitious warlords, and forces from beyond the material plane. The Bastion of Ascension was erected as a fortified sanctuary and the heart of the city’s defense, and with it, the Anointed Guard was formed to protect it.   The name "White Guard" stems from their pristine white armor, symbolizing purity, vigilance, and unwavering loyalty. Over the centuries, they have become a symbol of hope and strength for the people of Epoch.  

Structure and Training

The White Guard operates under a rigid hierarchical structure led by the Grand Marshal of the Ascendant, who answers directly to Epoch's ruling council. Beneath the Grand Marshal are commanders known as Wardens, each responsible for a sector of the city’s defenses.   Recruitment into the White Guard is highly selective, requiring not only martial prowess but also a deep understanding of strategy, diplomacy, and magical defense. Candidates undergo years of grueling training at the Citadel of the Ascendant, mastering both conventional and arcane combat techniques. Upon induction, each member receives the Rite of Anointment, a sacred ceremony that blesses their armor and arms with divine protections.  

Duties and Operations

The primary role of the White Guard is to protect the Bastion of Ascension, where Epoch's most important artifacts, relics, and strategic resources are stored. They also maintain order within the city, serving as an elite police force during times of unrest. Their presence is both a deterrent to crime and a shield against external aggression.   In times of war, the White Guard acts as the vanguard in defense of Epoch, often leading sorties against encroaching enemies. They are also dispatched on missions of utmost importance, such as hunting down rogue mages, quelling uprisings, and securing dangerous magical artifacts.

The Bastion of Ascension

The Bastion itself is more than a fortress—it is a symbol of Epoch’s resilience and ambition. Rising above the city’s skyline, the gleaming white towers of the Bastion are visible from nearly every district. It is said that the Bastion is imbued with ancient wards and housed within is the Ascendant Stone, an artifact that powers the city’s defenses. The White Guard stands as the first and last line of defense for this critical structure.  

The White Guard in Society

The White Guard is revered within Epoch, their members often celebrated as paragons of honor and duty. Their presence is a source of pride for the city’s citizens, and it is not uncommon for noble families to aspire to have one of their own inducted into the order. However, their exclusivity and independence have also drawn criticism from those who see them as too detached from the common folk and overly aligned with the city’s elite rulers.  

The White Armor and Arms

The distinctive armor of the White Guard is crafted from rare adamantine and mithral alloys, enchanted to provide both physical protection and resistance to spells. Each suit is a masterwork of craftsmanship, inlaid with silver runes and the crest of the Bastion of Ascension. Their weapons, usually longswords or halberds, are equally impressive, bearing divine sigils that allow the wielder to channel holy energy against their foes.  
Notable Members
Grand Marshal Caelus Thorne: The current leader of the White Guard, known for his tactical brilliance and unshakeable resolve.
Warden Aldraphine Valis: A powerful battle-mage who leads the Arcane Ward, specializing in defending against magical threats.
Knight-Commander Drigg Voss: A veteran of numerous campaigns, feared for his indomitable will and strength in battle.
Recent Activity
With tensions rising in the Span and Epoch becoming a focal point of both trade and conflict, the White Guard has been on high alert. Rumors suggest that dark forces are gathering outside the city’s walls, and the Bastion of Ascension may soon face its greatest challenge yet.