Torval Brewmaker

The Golden Stag is a lively tavern located in the heart of Goldcrest, owned by a boisterous human named Torval. Torval hails from the northern town of Frostfall, and his thick accent can be heard as soon as he starts speaking. He's a stout man with a friendly face, often seen laughing and joking with his patrons. His head wench, Lysandra, is a striking woman with long dark hair and piercing green eyes. She's known for her wit and sharp tongue, often bantering back and forth with Torval.   One of Torval's unique hobbies is brewing his own beer from the wheat fields outside of Goldcrest. He takes great pride in his brews and is always experimenting with new flavors and ingredients. Some of his most popular creations include a sweet honey ale and a smoky stout made with roasted barley. The tavern itself is cozy, with a warm fire always burning in the hearth and a variety of wooden tables and chairs scattered around the room. The walls are adorned with hunting trophies and other rustic decorations. It's a popular spot for adventurers and locals alike, drawn in by Torval's boisterous personality and Lysandra's charm.
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