
(a.k.a. The Arch-Lich, the Chained God, the Maimed God, Master of the Spider Throne, the Whispered One, the Dying King, the Lord of the Rotted Tower, the Undying King)

Vecna, the god of secrets, is neutral evil. He is known as the Maimed Lord, the Whispered One, and the Master of All That Is Secret and Hidden. Vecna rules that which is not meant to be known and that which people wish to keep secret. The domains he is associated with are Evil, Knowledge, and Magic. He usually appears as a lich who is missing his left hand and left eye. He lost his hand and eye in a fight with his traitorous lieutenant, Kas. Vecna’s favored weapon is the dagger.   No one speaks of when Vecna grants his spells.  

Divine Domains

Vecna is associated with the domains iEvil, Knowledge, and Magic. As a deity of Evil, Vecna is viewed as a malevolent force, often associated with death, undeath, and the manipulation of dark powers. His followers are typically portrayed as ruthless, scheming individuals who are willing to do whatever it takes to achieve their goals.   Vecna's association with Knowledge reflects his love of secrets and forbidden lore. He is said to have access to knowledge that is inaccessible to mortal beings, and is believed to have a vast library of arcane knowledge at his disposal. Vecna's followers are also known for their love of knowledge, and often seek to uncover new secrets and forbidden lore in order to gain power and influence.   Finally, as a deity of Magic, Vecna is associated with the practice of dark and forbidden magic. He is said to have mastery over powerful spells and arcane secrets, and is often depicted as a powerful and dangerous spellcaster. His followers are also skilled in the use of magic, often using it to manipulate events and further their own goals. Overall, Vecna's domains reflect his power, knowledge, and malevolent nature, and serve as a warning to those who would dare to oppose him.


The Hand and Eye of Vecna, which are rumored to grant their bearer immense power and control over magic. According to legend, these artifacts were once part of Vecna's physical body, which he willingly removed and imbued with his magical essence in order to achieve even greater power. The Hand of Vecna is said to grant its wielder incredible strength, while the Eye of Vecna is believed to enhance the wielder's magical abilities to an incredible degree. However, legends also warn that these items carry a terrible curse and that those who use them will ultimately suffer a grisly fate. Other relics associated with Vecna include the Sword of Kas, which was wielded by his lieutenant Kas, and the Book of Vile Darkness, a powerful tome of evil magic said to contain forbidden knowledge.

Holy Books & Codes

Vecna's cult is known for being highly secretive, making it difficult to obtain information about their teachings and practices. However, there are a few items that are highly prized by the cult, such as copies of the Book of Vile Darkness, which is associated with Vecna's role in its development, and copies of the Tome of the Stilled Tongue. The Book of Keeping, while not actually written by Vecna, is also heavily linked with the cult due to their possession of the only known copies that are free of intentional errors introduced by the fiends who wrote the book as a trap for summoners. These books and artifacts suggest that the cult of Vecna is heavily involved with dark magic, demon summoning, and the pursuit of forbidden knowledge. Despite their secrecy, it is clear that the cult of Vecna represents a dangerous and powerful force in the world of Dungeons & Dragons.

Tenets of Faith

Vecna and his followers are firm believers in the power of secrets, and the devastating consequences that can result from their revelation. According to their teachings, even the most powerful beings can be brought down by the exposure of a well-guarded secret. In fact, Vecna himself aspires to become the sole ruler of creation, by destroying every other deity in existence. This ruthless ambition demonstrates the extent to which Vecna values the power of secrets, and the lengths he is willing to go in order to maintain his dominance. Another key belief of Vecna's faith is the idea that there is a hidden evil within every being, no matter how virtuous they may appear. This "seed of evil" is seen as something to be exploited by those who are able to identify it. As a result, Vecna's followers are notoriously secretive, never revealing all that they know, and constantly seeking to uncover new secrets that they can use to further their own power and influence.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Vecna is usually depicted as a powerful lich missing his left hand and eye. Sometimes he is depicted with withered, mummified flesh; other times he is depicted as a being of bare bone, with not a trace of skin remaining.
Alignment: Neutral Evil   Domains: Evil, Knowledge, and Magic   Favored Weapon: Dagger
Divine Classification
Lesser Diety
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