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Akhenaton (a.k.a. Mystic)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Akhenaton's physical condition depends wholly on how recently he last drained the lifeforce of a living creature and how much he was able to take. If properly sated, Akhenaton is indistinguishable from any other Egyptian man in his late twenties, however the longer he goes without doing so, or the more ancient magic he calls upon, the more withered he begins to look. At first he begins to rapidly age, but when particularly drained he begins to take on the rotted appearance of his true mummified self.

Special abilities

Akhenaton's primary power is the absorption of life energy from living beings. In practice this acts to weaken every facet of a person and leads to a significant plunge in vital statistics, though if the process is interrupted a person will recover over a number of hours or days depending on the extent. This life force allows Akhenaton to retain his youthful looks, healing him of injury, and allows him to use his other magical abilities.   Being an ancient seer, Akhenaton is well-versed in an archaic form of magic that, while not as powerful or versatile as some others, allows him to perform a number of useful spells including flight, telekinesis, darkness projection and some divination. He is also able to project his bandages forth as extra appendages, through which he can use his draining abilities.

Apparel & Accessories

Akhenaton's only constant accompaniment are his bandages. Whether he needs them for anything in particular is anyone's guess, but he does seem to funnel some of his powers through them. They cover most of his body except his head and the ends of his fingers and toes, and he can extend them outwards as extra appendages with significant strength and speed.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Revived by a mixture of magic and science by Nazi occultists, ancient Egyptian seer Akhenaton was confused and unstable upon being awoken, slaughtering his way out of the compound he found himself in. He soon found that his newfound state came with a near-insatiable hunger for the life force of the living, which would temporarily return him to a near normal state before he slowly deteriorated once again. He soon found himself picked up by The Blazing Aces and was convinced to fight alongside them to end the horrors being wrought upon the world and as vengeance for desecrating his tomb and disturbing his rest.
Chaotic Neutral
Year of Birth
2260 BC 4285 Years old
Red with yellow sclera
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Tanned, but grows pallid and grey with time
Ancient Egyptian Pantheon
Aligned Organization


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