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Beauregard Nescio (a.k.a. Bo)

Physical Description

Special abilities

Bo's superpower, as inherited from the Phantom, is an impeccable accuracy with weaponry far beyond that of normal human beings. While this capability can apply to nearly any weapon, Bo has found particular effectiveness with the crossbow as she's able to instinctively understand the weapon's arc in flight and, given its somewhat slower velocity, predict where it might be in-flight, allowing her to perform some mid-flight teleportation maneuvers.

Specialized Equipment

Bo's primary pieces of equipment are the "Boltpack" implants in her wrists which allow her to summon and use the hardlight weaponry, including the hand-crossbows that have become synonymous with her style of combat. They serve as both her preferred weapon and transport, as she's able to teleport to the position of any weapon or projectile manifested by the Boltpack.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Bo was one of the final designer children created under the Schurk Industries superhuman agents program. A special case that involved using DNA from the WWII hero, the Phantom, Bo spent the first eight years of her life enduring the harshest upbringing that any child might, including strenuous physical and mental training as well as psychological conditioning to turn her into the perfect assassin. But, with the fall of Schurk came a release for Bo from the torment and possibly a chance at a life that was a little more mundane.   With the dissolution of everything they'd known up until that point, Bo found herself slipping through the cracks of the new systems being set up towards the end of the 2010's, with no mission, and no purpose in life. She found herself in the fostercare system and, under the supervision of the newly-formed Century Group, began seeing a therapist and attending school, finding both far more challenging than any fight she'd ever been a part of.   Despite the protestations of her therapist, Bo's interest in the superhumans that took down Schurk eventually developed into a desire to join their ranks and, during the first few years at the Mary Brennon School, when she was finally afforded a little bit of freedom, she used it to go out after school and fight crime. It was during this time that she met Blue and several of the other young superheroes who'd come to make up the Vanguard.

Mental Trauma

Bo's psychosocial development was severely stunted as a result of her upbringing within Schurk Industries, leaving her struggling with an inability to empathise with others and form close connections. Due to her training, she is extremely mission-oriented, and struggles to find value in anything that doesn't directly contribute to her immediate goals, a problem several other ex-Schurk agents, such as Lithium, experience. She also has trouble with exercising personal autonomy, often looking to others for help in making decisions without a clear outcome, sometimes leaving her feeling purposeless or getting paralysed with indecision.

Intellectual Characteristics

Bo has a wealth of tactical and espionage knowledge passed down to her via her training at Schurk Industries, which made her the obvious choice to lead the Vanguard in the field. Her ability to study enemy attack patterns, evaluate her own forces' strengths and weaknesses, and devise strategies is almost unparalleled in the superhero community.   By contrast however, her education left large gaps where subjects were deemed "unnecessary" to the company's goals. Subjects like the humanities, english beyond simple reading comprehension, and creative subjects were completely ignored in favour of further lessons on combat and spycraft, meaning that Bo has a hard time adjusting to normal schooling.
Lawful Good
Date of Birth
4th of January, 2010
Aligned Organization


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