Chip Character in Bathala | World Anvil
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Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Chip is a time-worn wooden ventriloquist's dummy in an old west inspired costume. He finds himself in an odd position whereby he's not quite a toy and doesn't have quite the same level of animation that they do, leaving him stiff and unable to easily move of his own volition. Over the years, Chip's form has been ravaged by years of neglect, leaving him damaged and dirty, with obvious fraying to the wood and mechanical workings of his once-articulate arms.

Facial Features

Chip's face is a mask made of solid porcelain and frozen in a mocking grin, giving him something of an uncanny appearance as compared to other toys. The only point of movement is his lower jaw and chin, which allows him to speak with some difficulty.

Special abilities

Whether unique to Chip's situation or an ability that all toys might learn to use, the dummy has been able to forcefully absorb the lifeforce of other toys, keeping him alive and animated years after his neglect should have rendered him inert. In the short-term, this energy theft strengthens Chip, allowing him to move with more strength and overpower other toys while he feeds on them.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Originally built and used as the companion of Jack Wainwright, brother of The Toymaker, Chip soon found himself animated by the same imaginative energies that bring many toys to life, allowing him to watch over Jack as the two toured the country, performing and entertaining people. Chip came to love Jack as his best friend, which made it all the more painful when the young man eventually outgrew his puppetry hobby and left the aging dummy in a box to be stored in his brother's attic.   While never growing old in the traditional sense, over the years Chip started to feel the essence of imagination that gave him life waning and came to wonder why Jack would give him such a torturous glimpse into life, only to take it away again. The wondering eventually turned to despair, and despair to rage, and rage made him do things that no toy before him ever had.   In order to cling to his last vestiges of life, Chip found that he could drain the remaining life from other toys that crossed his path, becoming something akin to a vampire as he lured and drained toys from around the attic, and later the whole house, to maintain himself. Keeping his true nature a secret, Chip situated himself as something of an older mentor to Night Knight, and had plans to manipulate him into providing more sustenance, but was taken down by The B-Team before he got a chance.
Date of Death
16th of August, 2025
Year of Death
2025 AD
Circumstances of Death
Turned into a monster and subsequently taken down by the B-Team
Place of Death
Current Residence
Yellow glass
Remnants of brown string
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
A porcelain mask with wooden construction


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