Nuclear Nancy Character in Bathala | World Anvil
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Nuclear Nancy

Doctor Nancy Nichols (a.k.a. Nuclear Nancy)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Nancy was only in the employ of the special operations executive for a short time and was never a soldier, so she was considered exempt from all the regular physical training expected of most members of the Blazing Aces. In her prime, she was of average build and ability of a woman her age, though her physicality was enhanced by the nuclear energies she contained within her.

Special abilities

Following her accident, Nancy became something of a walking nuclear reactor, able to output vast amounts of energy seemingly from nowhere. The upper-end of her abilities were not sufficiently explored before her disappearance, but during her time with the military she had been able to fly under her own power, project energy beams from her hands, and under the right conditions, explode with a force in excess of seventy terajoules. Furthermore, the energy within her also seemed to enhance Nancy's various physical capabilities, making her far stronger and tougher than a woman of her age and build would otherwise be.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Nuclear physicist Nancy Nichols was working on the Manhattan Project when exposure to harmful radiation activated a dormant mutation in her DNA, causing her to soak up copious amounts of energy and giving her superhuman powers. Her powers were unstable and often required her to syphon it out in nuclear testing grounds, but when she was given the opportunity to work with The Blazing Aces she soon found a new outlet for her destructive side.


Nancy was a scientific prodigy and nuclear engineering genius, allowing her to bypass the usual prejudices of her time and take a place in the United States' nuclear weapons program. She earned her PhD under J. Robert Oppenheimer who became her mentor and eventually lead to her inclusion alongside him at the Manhattan Project.
Year of Birth
1919 AD 106 Years old
Aligned Organization


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