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So, is this the way the world ends?

Bathala Beacon - June 13, 2025 [The Schurk International Universe]   Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, and thank you for picking up today's issue of the Bathala Beacon. I write to you today, not as an erstwhile crusader for truth or a champion of justice, but as myself. Hello, Bathala City, my name is Michelle.   In an era where superhuman abilities once promised hope and wonder, we now find ourselves teetering on the precipice of a cataclysmic confrontation. Schurk International, a behemoth of corporate power and militaristic ambition, has thrust our world into a chilling state of uncertainty. With each passing day, the question looms larger: Is this the way the world ends?   As a journalist who has chronicled the rise and fall of governments and the evolution of superhuman affairs, I have witnessed the transformation of our world from one of awe and inspiration to one plagued by fear and mistrust. Schurk International's ascent to dominance has been nothing short of alarming. The privatization of law enforcement and military services in the United Kingdom, orchestrated by CEO Joseph Schurk, is a harbinger of a disturbing new world order.   What once was a bastion of democracy and individual rights has now become a police state where the use of superhuman abilities is met with brutal force. Schurk's paramilitary agents, cloaked in the guise of protectors, have become enforcers of oppression, ensuring that any who possess extraordinary powers are pressed into service, often through secretive and morally reprehensible means.   The international community watches with growing trepidation as Schurk International aggressively acquires superhuman individuals and their technologies. The world has good reason to fear that the insatiable appetite of this corporate colossus is pushing us to the brink of catastrophe. Nations worldwide are now certain that Schurk International's ambitions are nothing short of fomenting a third world war, the likes of which we have never seen.   I implore those in positions of power, both within Schurk International and on the global stage, to heed this solemn warning. The path we are currently on leads to annihilation, not progress. We must remember that superhuman abilities, once celebrated as symbols of hope, can just as easily be wielded as instruments of destruction.   My plea is not for the superheroes and vigilantes who once inspired us to abandon their calling; it is for them to rise to the occasion and use their powers to prevent this impending cataclysm. Superhuman abilities should be a force for good, not pawns in a power-hungry corporation's game.   Furthermore, the international community must come together to seek diplomatic solutions, to engage in dialogue, and to prevent the tragic eventuality of a preemptive strike that could reduce an entire nation to rubble. The world should not succumb to paranoia and hysteria, but rather, choose reason and cooperation over aggression.   As I write these words, I am acutely aware of the risks involved. The shadow of retribution from Schurk International looms large, and the potential consequences for speaking out against this juggernaut are terrifying, if not lethal. If we don't speak again, dear readers, know that it has been an honor to serve as your voice in these turbulent times. May the choices we make in the coming days lead us away from the abyss, and may the spirit of humanity endure.   Thank you for reading.   Your friend, Michelle Van Quinn


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