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Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Tatterdahlia is a small cloth doll made of burlap and string, with a stitched-on mouth and hair made of frayed pieces of rope. She has black beads for eyes and wears a dress of sorts made of more string and cloth.

Special abilities

One thing that sets Tatterdahlia apart from the other toys is her powerful telekinetic potential. She's been shown in the past capable of lifting a rat into the air and crushing it, as well as being able to force the monstrous form of Ginger back for a time, making her invaluable to Night Knight as they're forced to contend with ever greater threats in the house.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Among even the sentient toys that inhabit The Wainwright Household, Tatterdahlia is an odd case. Found by Night Knight during one of his many excursions into the crawlspaces of the house, Tatterdahlia has no memory of ever being given life by the love of a child like most of the citizens of the Underbed claim to have, nor does she seem to remember what she was before finding herself in the walls. Her presence tends to unsettle the other toys, not helped by her miraculous telekinetic abilities that place her in a league above the rest, and her inability to speak which gives her a distinctly creepy air.   Nevertheless, Tatterdahlia has never shown herself to be anything but helpful and kind, if somewhat childlike in her behaviour. Ever since the two met, she's proven herself to be a valuable and loyal ally for Night Knight, and the two have fought together, even during the latter's exile, when she followed him out from the Underbed.

Personality Characteristics

Personality Quirks

Tatterdahlia is completely mute, electing to use a mix of gestures and facial expressions to communicate with others.
Black beads
Brown string
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Burlap cloth


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