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The Reaper


The requirements to become the new Reaper after the last one is stripped of the power are vague at best, mostly pertaining to ones commitment, either to Demeter's Harvest, or to maintaining the balance of nature.


The person chosen to wear the hood will only find out they've been chosen when the hood appears on their person. From there, their mind is filled with the will of the Harvest Masters and they are allowed then to either embrace or reject the power that the hood grants.


Upon agreeing to become the new Reaper, a wearer of the hood is immediately considered to be the new leader of Demeter's Harvest and of the Harvest Masters, though they no longer exist. It is their responsibility then to guide the group in their agenda of ecological action no matter the cost.


The bearer of the hood is granted a number of superhuman abilities while wearing the hood as well as the respect and admiration of their compatriots. By using the cloak itself, they are granted the ability to fly at about 30mph, blend into and manipulate shadows, and are highly resistant to damage. They are also afforded a form of telepathy connecting their mind with every member of their organisation and can imbue their underlings with a fraction of the cloak's power to make them significantly stronger and faster. The bearer is also able to summon the Reaper's scythe, a weapon that can cut through almost any material and move independently of the bearer, existing only as long as they will it. The cloak also allows the bearer to access the collective knowledge of the Harvest Masters, including all previous Reapers, allowing them to tap into hitherto unknown amounts of magical potential.

Accoutrements & Equipment

The Reaper's hood is a black cloak that can take a number of different forms from a dark hoodie to a mass of inky-black shadows. The wearer also has access to the Reaper's scythe, a weapon that only exists as long as the bearer wills it.

Grounds for Removal/Dismissal

The hood can choose to relieve its bearer of its power and subsequently disappear due to either a significant moral failing, moment of irreconcilable incompetence, or if the current bearer is likely to be captured, incapacitated or killed. A bearer can also choose to relinquish the power willingly, if they find themselves disagreeing with the hood's mission.


The Reaper's hood, while not from the mythological grim reaper, is an item of profound magical importance to an ancient sect of Druids that came to be known as the Harvest Masters. The hood was imbued with the collective will of their circle, with the express duty of seeking out the worthy to help them protect the earth and its creatures by any means necessary.
Magical, Professional
Alternative Naming
The Scythebearer, Master of the Harvest
Source of Authority
The Reaper's Hood
Length of Term
Until relieved.
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