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The White Knights


The White Knights are usually led and commanded by a single figurehead bearing specialised weapons and armour to denote their rank. Each leader picks their successor when they first take on the position, so that they can take over in the event of the loss of the leader.

Public Agenda

The White Knights are a group founded primarily on fundamentalist Christian ideals and white supremacist rhetoric. They see deviations from the norm to be an afront to their way of life and in need of destruction. These deviations include superhumans, the homeless and destitute, people of colour, nontraditional family arrangements and the concept of non-human sentient life.


With several unsuccessful attacks in a row under their belts, the White Knights are facing a crisis of scarcity. They've lost three consecutive leaders (White Knight, Char Knight and Light Knight) and large contingents of their men, and it would appear that the group is running on fumes at this point, trying to avoid superhero altercations where they can and merely pick on criminals in order to bolster their supplies.

Awash in Purifying Flame!

Illicit, Terrorist group
Notable Members


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