
Sample NPC used in the PbP play example along with Snakebyte and Jacinta the Eel. Lorelei would probably be more effective with STR lowered and RFL increased but a big bruiser leader was the original character conception.

Vital Factors

Faction: Lyran Commonwealth
Age: 33
Experience Level: Regular
Height/Weight: 1.84m, 98kg
XP: 0
Tags: Amazonian; Musclebound; Looks like a stevedore; Sounds like a Valley Girl; Patriotic criminal; Loyal; Big sister


Lorelei barely remembers her parents, they were working too hard to provide to be able to spend any time with her and she isn’t even all that sure when they died. Her childhood was a mix of looking for inappropriate parental figures amongst the street criminals, running messages for them and being betrayed. When she was old enough (and more than big enough) she enlisted in the militia which smoothed out the rough patches in her education and taught her to fire crew-served weapons besides. By the time Lorelei was promoted to corporal she had a squad that idolised her and the realisation that she could build her own family and couldn’t bear to see any of them hurt if war came to Timbiqui. Leaving the militia behind she and some of her squad started working at the star port and with her size and work ethic she was soon slinging cargo in an industrial exoskeleton. Unfortunately while her wages grew they didn’t grow as fast as the needs of the “nieces” and “nephews” she was remaining, never mind the friends she had to bail out (sometimes literally) with a loan unlikely to ever be repaid, so Lorelei renewed her acquaintance with criminal elements and started supplementing her income with payoffs. Even that has proved inadequate, so she quit her job and put together a crew to undertake high-paying heists.


Endlessly supportive of others, but any decision regarding her team or family is made by Lorelei. She tries to know her team-mates well enough that she can make decisions they'll be happy with, and she might even ask for input but decisions are not subject to dispute. The flip side is that anything one of her people need she will damn well provide, and it's not hard to become one of her people.

Dealing with outsiders she is flexible, observing and selecting the approach most likely to work whether that's a sympathetic ear a direct bribe or a blood curdling threat, compensating for not being great at any of those in particular.

Me and mine against the Universe. Any betrayal by an insider will enrage her and is unforgivable.


  • Fiercely protective
  • Casually adopts stray animals, children and friends
  • Spends as much time as possible with her family
  • Takes risks for cash rewards


Bulldog medium truck (2 points)




Athletics1+STR (+5)
Support Weapons1+STR (+5)
Melee Combat2+RFL (+3)
Small Arms2+RFL (+3)
Stealth2+RFL (+3)
Zero-G Operations1+RFL (+2)
Knowledge (Criminal organisations)2+INT(+3)
Leadership1+CHA (+3)
Negotiation1+CHA (+3)
Streetwise1+CHA (+3)
Intimidation1+CHA (+3)



Life Modules

Faction: Lyran Commonwealth
Childhood: Street
Higher Education: Military Enlistment
Real Life: Civilian Job


  • Combead
  • Field Kit
  • Tent
  • Laser microphone


  • That’s Old Man Grody
  • Like, tubular
  • As if!
  • Pay us, or what happens next will be totally no fun
  • Like, out of my way pipsqueak
  • Then we, like, blow a hole in the wall
  • Smash and grab is totally in my wheelhouse
  • Sneaky and quiet. Like, just this once then
  • It’s totally Valley-speak and I’m from Bale Valley, what did you think I’d sound like?
  • You have totally never seen your own intestines. Like keep talking if you want that to change
  • Hand over the cash and nobody gets hurt
  • I protect what’s mine, and you are totally mine

Personal Weaponry

Auto-Pistol (B)4OKOK-


Concealed Flak Armour: -1 damage from Ballistic (B) weapons

Physical Condition Monitor

Fatigue Condition Monitor



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