
A Timbiqui criminal and sample character for the PbP play example along with Lorelei and Jacinta the Eel.

Vital Factors

Faction: ComStar (rogue)
Age: 23
Rank: ex-Acolyte-II-Sigma
Experience Level: Regular
Height/Weight: 1.76m, 78kg
XP: 0
Tags: Outside man; hacker; driver; absolutely still or full on; cynic; outsider in the underworld


Born to workers on a huge farm owned by Timbiqui Spirits his earliest memories are of running through the endless wheat-fields, tinkering with the farm equipment, remote lessons over the com-plate and cheering on the ilicit tractor races. Then the raiders came. The children were packed into the storm cellar while the adults waited in the open to show the mercenary MechWarriors they were no threat. Something went wrong, after an eternity of loud noise Snakebyte and the others came out to find all the buildings smashed to kindling and their parents torn apart by heavy machine-gun fire. With no way to contact the outside world the next months (years?) were very hard, and in his nightmares he can still sometimes taste some of the things he ate.
Eventually a group of ComStar Acolytes found them and whisked the children back to Braga, where those with sufficient technical acumen (including Snakebyte) were informally raised by the order in their compound until they were old enough to join.
HIs formal education covered technology few on Timbiqui are even aware exist, let alone understand, and though he never managed to penetrate the Order's own network he made a hobby of hacking local computer systems.
As a working Acolyte exposure to the realities of ComStars operations tarnished his belief in its ideals, which led to hatred when he learnt via accessing external computers that ComStar had only been at the farm because they were paid to survey it for reconstruction, and they had abandoned the children they did not consider useful to the non-existent mercies of the city's streets. He left the compound that night.
Even as an adult surviving on the fringes without connections or understanding of the society (not to mention the occasional ComStar murder attempt) was difficult, but he managed as a (frequently cheated) car thief and then as his skill behind the wheel grew, get-away driver. Recently recruited by Lorelei as the "outside man" for her crew he has almost relaxed into the group while waiting for the next betrayal.


Always an outsider, sitting motionless in the corner with eyes flicking constantly watching for the next threat. While he can cooperate with others after one betrayal too many he has a pathological fully justified distrust of authority figures. Doesn't really believe in the future, just trying to survive the present.


  • Always looking for the next threat
  • Distrusts authority figures
  • Likes clearly defined roles and responsibilities


BM Spirit motorcycle (1 point)




Piloting(Combat Vehicle)3+RFL(+6)
Small Arms1+RFL(+4)
Knowledge (Computer Systems)1+INT(+4)


Good Vision: +1 Perecption involving vision
Enemy (ComStar): They are after him for defecting

Life Modules

Faction: ComStar (Rogue)
Childhood: War Orphan
Higher Education: Technical College
Real Life:ComStar Service


ComStar portable computer
Vehicle tools
Decent fake ID


  • Would you like to play a game?
  • By Blake's Bastards' Balls!
  • Heads up everyone, I don't see anything but my balls are itching
  • Never trust anybody in a robe
  • You wouldn't believe what you can conceal in a robe
  • Mechwarriors? They're as bad as Precentors. String the whole stinking lot of them up
  • I said I didn't like trees, never said I didn't know how to climb one
  • You're sitting in my corner. I pissed on the seat
  • Strap in and kiss your lunch goodbye
  • Blessed Lady of Acceleration, don't fail me now
  • Braga's okay, if nothing else it gets you ready for hell

Personal Weaponry

Hold-Out Pistol (B)3OKOK-
Pump Shotgun (B)6*OK-2-
*May split damage across two eligible targets in range


Concealed Flak Armour: -1 damage from Ballistic (B) weapons


Physical Condition Monitor

Fatigue Condition Monitor


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