Sylus The Fool Character in Beast Empire | World Anvil
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Sylus The Fool

Sylus (a.k.a. The Fool)

One of the most unpredictable Assassins/Enforcers in The West. He is believed to be responsible for countless political killings, but evidence pointing to him is scarce.

While technically an assassin, Sylus has a calling card of killing his targets with throwing knives and often in broad daylight. His presence is never able to be confirmed, but people only seem to die in this manner when he is in town.

Sylus has been observed as being highly athletic and acrobatic, as any attempt at his capture will almost always wind up with him scampering across rooftops and narrow paths.

Sylus wanders from town to town, city to city searching for work, so it is nearly impossible to actively seek him out.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Slender build, very flexible and nimble.

Body Features

Desaturated blue-purple skin, long pointed ears, long devilish tail, thin fingers

Physical quirks

Very loose stance and gait, has a kind of floatiness to how he moves.
Long, straight, black hair
160 lbs

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