Angel of Death

Name: Angel of Death
Location: Northern edges of Jungle   Description: Famed for its beautifully black wings with their silvery sheen, the Angel of Death is the largest known butterfly in Belerion with a wingspan approaching 18". It is attracted by the sickly sweet smell of decomposition, feeding on the freshly dead corpses of animals that have fallen victim to the harsh climate of the Bodmany Desert, meeting their demise before reaching the cool shelter of the Pensan Rainforest.
The butterflies typically reside high up in the canopy of the northern edge of the rainforest, flitting about on the gentle breezes that waft into the trees from the desert, often carrying the irresistible scent of freshly dead meat that attracts them so potently. They rest by laying their wings flat against the broad leaves of the trees.  
Of course, Angels of Death are not the only living thing in the rainforest that has an intimate relationship with death; the Panflower has evolved to give off the exact stench that attracts these butterflies, tempted them onto its broad leaves and flat petals in search of that wondrous flesh, only to be reminded that they are not without predators as their legs become covered in the sticky residues, exhausting them as they desperately try to fly away, only for their wings to grow heavy in their exhaustion, drooping down until they too are covered in the sticky sap, preventing them from doing anything but slowly dying of starvation as the liquid painstakingly slowly flows towards the centre of the flower where they will be dissolved by the very nectar they were looking to feast on.


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