Courtesan Fan

Used by Lady Evilyn and her servers, the Courtesan Fan is more than just a method of cooling oneself in the stuffy streets of Easton. The Courtesans have developed an intricate set of motions and actions to indicate and convey different feelings and messages. This includes rapidly opening the fan (thworp) and fanning the face with the fan reversed to indicate displeasure and a desire to end the interaction. This will often prompt another Courtesan to intervene. Equally, holding the fan open at easit height and gently wafting it indicate being open to conversation; when paired with eye contact, this is taken to be initiating flirting or soliciting business.


Supports Lady Evilyn to know all that goes on in her establishment.
Item type
Clothing / Accessory
Tailor-made to suit the styles and dresses of the courtesans.


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