
One of the three towns of Aberston  , Easton is a large concentric tiered Citadel, developed from a small outpost constructed to ward off coastal raiders following the sacking of Weston on the opposite bank many years ago. Situated on a hill overlooking the river to the west, and the ocean to the south, its granite walls rise high above the rocky coastline, topped with battlements. A narrow channel known as Devil's Passage carved into the rock allows naval and supply ships safe passage to The Harbour within the walls, while Fergusson's Gate - a large gatehouse in the northern wall - provides the official entrance to the town. A smaller gatehouse in the eastern wall between The Citadel and Craftsmans Quarter provides passage for supply caravans to and from Stannerton.  
The Citadel Easton is a heavily fortified town, designed to repel the longest and most brutal sieges, with concentric walls imposing a formidable gauntlet to anyone seeking to attack. The Court of Lords, situated at the highest point in the northeast corner of the town, is the seat of both The Admiralty and The Military Council. The Civil Chamber meeting hall is also within these walls. A single gatehouse leads from the central courtyard to Unity Boulevard, transecting each tiers' curtain wall with a gatehouse ( Lords Bar, Generals Bar, Nobles Bar, and Stewards Bar ) until it reaches The Parade, a large square north of The Cattewater. A second, wider road - Military Avenue - is the main thoroughfare from The Parade to Fergusson's Gate. The first tier outside of the court, Lords Row, comprises the residences of the Peers. These Lords' houses are larger, and run along the inner wall, bordering the Court of Lords, with lavish rooftop gardens. Opposing them, and slightly downhill to allow the Peers a view of the town and the sea beyond, are the residences of the Members of The Admiralty and The Military Council. These back onto the outer wall of Lords Row. The second tier is considerably larger, but follows the same east and west split. It contains the houses of the Great Aberstonian Families, built against the inner wall, with the Naval Captains and Army Generals houses backing against the outer wall. The lowest tier of the citadel contains the stables, granaries and stores required to run the many great households.   The Lower Town Beyond the outermost wall of the citadel, Lower Town is the collective names of the districts outside of The Harbour and The Barracks. With Old Easton to the southwest, Craftsmans' Quarter to the southeast, and Wealthy Citizens houses nestled against the Citadel walls across Military Avenue from Easton Barracks. The Barracks is a walled off area occupying the northwest of the town, providing accommodation and training facilities to the army. East Village is all that remains of the Old Town, sprawling across the southwestern corner, but takes it name from the old town district, when Easton sat abridge the western River, it is mostly accommodation for sailors and their families. Blackwall Lane, built up along the eastern end of the south curtain wall, is named for the soot stains on the wall from the chimneys of the smiths and bakers.   The Harbour The Harbour encompasses the body of water between The Parade and Devils Passage, and also includes the wharves, shipwrights and other buildings that service the ships in port. There are three main quays, each with a specific role: The Naval ships moor alongside The Parade, on Admiralty Quay when awaiting orders; Ships that are alongside for shore leave can be found in Easton Quay to the west; and Ships awaiting repairs, supplies or refits anchor in The Cattewater, a basin to the east of the Devils Passage. These ships then moor alongside, or sail into a dry-dock, in Admirals Yard. A shipyard and victualling yard border the quay to the east and north.
Easton's layout lends itself to a societal hierarchy befitting a militaristic settlement. The ruling elite occupy the highest (and most well defended) tiers, while the craftsmen and citizens occupy the districts of the lower town, according to their wealth or craft.   The town folk, despite being civilians, have come to adopt many military traditions and ways of life - such that citizens of the other two towns view the entire lower town as one large barracks.
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