Dwarvish Rocklocks

Deep within the Bellever Mountains, buried far below the white capped lofty peaks, in a place known only to a select few in one specially chosen dwarven family, lay at rest all the bodies of all the great rulers of the royal dynasties of the Grand Dwarves, preserved perfectly as though they are merely asleep, wearing their finest battle armor adorned with full regalia, insignia of their battle honours, greatest achievements, and often alongside them, their spouse adorned equally as appropriate for the part they played in ruling the clans. 
This preservation was only possible because of the discovery of a particular type of quartz deep in the heart of the mountain, that lets nothing but light pass through it, not even air or moisture can pass through. The dwarves experimented at great length with this new material, and discovered that, when a series of blocks were cut in a certain way, they could be linked together in an interlocking way to create a sizeable chamber within which the decedants' body could be laid out undisturbed and yet visible to all who wish to pay their respects. The interlocking of the blocks is so intricate that only a handful of dwarves are familiar with the process, much less able to perform it to any degree of success. The aim is to lock the blocks together in a way that allows moisture to gradually leave the chamber, but not allow any to get back in, essentially allowing the slow mummification of the body with minimal decomposition. The cutting of the blocks to achieve this had to be extremely precise, whilst ensuring not a signal scratch on any surface that could hinder the view of the ruler.


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