Faestival (FAY-stih-val)

Faestival, an increasingly popular summer festival originally to celebrate the full moon of the longest day of the year, and while this is still the purpose, many use it as an excuse for mass celebrations, or think it is purely to celebrate the fae folk.
The festival lasts for seven days, with traders from all over the continent coming together to sell their wares and strike new trade agreements. Performers, acrobats, magicians, tricksters and dancers both human and fae also perform to the crowds - the world-renowned Madame Mariposa has even been known to put in an appearance more recently, enticing Tamarians from all walks of life with her unique voice. As well as performance artists, several graphic artists (painters, tattooists, sculptors) demonstrate their skills, occasionally travelling theatre troupes put on shows written by some of the most prominent writers of the year. 
Of course, as with any festival, there are the opportunists who prey on the festivities: smugglers, cutpurses and even cutthroats take advantage of the large crowds and disruption to daily life to circumvent the law and cash in on their illicit activities. However, it is not just the typically unlawful people looking to take advantage of the choas for illegal activities. 
More than a few political agreements and decisions have also been made in secret. It is not uncommon to find members of the Civil Chamber or various high society houses, who happen across each other while at the event to settle old scores, agree new alliances, or solicit particular services. 
  No festival would be complete without the alcohol vendors, stocking everything from Dwarven Ales, to Elvish Spirits and Riverfolk Liquors (distilled from reeds along the banks of the River Glanwyn), at the peak of the event, even the Courtesans have been known to set up their luxurious pavillion to ply their trade.


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