Civil Chamber


The Civil Chamber is the administrative body of Easton, and the proposed model for The Cabinet of Aberston. The Civil Chamber sets and collects taxes, duties and levies, regulates markets, manages trade, administers the judicial system, and oversees matters of diplomacy. In conjunction with its honorific peers, it can also address matters concerning public health or military strategy.


The Civil Chamber has 8 seats, 3 honorary, and 5 permanent. Members are referred to as 'Peers', and are generally addressed as 'Milord' by the common folk.
  The Lord Steward - Caretaker of the Civil Chamber
The Lord Treasurer - Head of the Tresury
The Lord Chief Justice - Head of the Judiciary
The Lord High Sheriff - Keeper of The Watch and Chief Gaoler
The Lord Chamberlain - Head of Household to the Court of Lords
(Honorary) The Surgeon General - Head of both the Aberston Naval HospitalEaston Barracks Infirmary and oversees public health
(Honorary) The Lord Admiral - Commodore of The Cattewater 
(Honorary) The Earl Marshall - Commander of Easton Barracks 

  The Surgeon General, The Lord Admiral and the Earl Marshall are military titles, and so may only hold honorific positions in the Civil Chamber, and act in an advisory capacity only.

The Civil Chamber has dominion over all aspects of civilian life within the outer walls of Easton, and the surrounding regions. It does not hold any authority over the East Village which is subject to Maritime Laws, and The Barracks, which is subject to Marshal Law. These areas are policed by their own branches of the military judiciary. Where issues arise involving military personnel within the cities boundaries, the Civil Chamber has jurisdiction, but must seek advise of the appropriate honorary Peer, with sentencing passed by Court Marshall where appropriate. Likewise, civilians who break the law in a military setting will be detained by the military judiciary, and sentenced by a Town Court.
Geopolitical, Town Council


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