Goblin Ring

Until its disappearance, the Goblin Ring was not of particular importance; sure it was unique in it's beauty and quality, but it was at home among the other trinkets and baubels commissioned from the Grand Dwarves by the Noble Goblins.

  The only known item to have ever gone missing from the goblin vaults, it has become a source of great embarassment for all goblins, such that it is forbidden to speak of and to do so is the height of social taboo.

  Substantial sightings of the ring have been known to whip the goblins up into a frenzy; the most extreme of which was a so-called eyewitness claiming to have seen the ring sitting on a shelf in none other that Caleb Hookway's emporium. The Noble Goblins, certain that this was the opportunity they had been waiting for to retrieve the ring, sent a delegation into Aberston to secure the ring. Upon learning that the ring was a fake, they expended all available resources to tracking down the ring through increasingly farfetched leads. This resulting in crashing the global economy as more and more funds and resources were diverted away from the mint, giving criminal organisations enough time to advance their counterfeiting measures and almost catch up to the technology and devices that the Goblins were using.
Item type
Jewelry / Valuable
Only one such ring was ever commissioned by the Noble Goblins
Base Price
Raw materials & Components
24ct gold mined from within the Bellever Mountains, studded with diamonds, emeralds and a solitary ruby.


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