
The city of Aberston is the unofficial name given to the three towns of Easton, Stannerton and Wheaton. Nestled between the River Glanwyn to the east and the Loubasyger River to the west, and bordered by the ocean to the south, Aberston is a city in all but name, but with a ruling elite divided by personal ambitions and hidden agendas, it has never been more exposed to its enemies.     Government
Each of the towns in Aberston has a ruling elite. Easton is perhaps the most complex, with power shared equally between The Admiralty, The Council of Arms and the Civil Chamber, although this is far more harmonious than the rulers of Wheaton; The Ecclesium, and The College of the Masters of the Scroll each exert considerable influence over its residents but have opposing ideologies that often lead to stalemates and political conflict. Stannerton, the market town, is not without its own share of corruption: the Council of Guilds rules in name only, but is powerless to control the gangs that run the streets and waterways, coordinated by the The Order of Cups   Each faction recognises the need for Aberston to have a single unitary authority, but they all see this as an opportunity to further their own agendas, rather than improve the lot of their peoples.   Geography
Aberston is bulit into, and around, the sheer basalt cliffs that form the southwestern edge of Tamaria.
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