Prairie Buffalo

Dominating the rolling grassy hill plains that stretch out to the east of the Tewledandar Forest, huge herds of buffalo covered in wool of shades ranging from the darkest of browns to the lightest of grays graze on the sweet prairie grasses. 
Under the stewardship of the centaurs, these gentle giants have been known to affect weather patterns with their migration activity; the dust kicked up when the herd moves on at pace creating sandstorm-like scenarios, while the collective body heat expedites water evaporation, leading to heavy rains in other parts of the region. They are also an integral part of the microbiome of the hills, consuming the grass in such volumes as to strip the land bare, but leaving behind so much excrement filled with seeds as to fertilise the land such that the grass grows back each season, enjoying a reach healthy soil, which in turn becomes a healthy environment for all manner of insects and microbes. 
The centaurs, not being particularly inclined to engage in confrontation, but willing to defend what they consider to be right, have ensured that the hills never become farmland managed by the human farmers who seek to grow crops on every spare patch of land in order to sustain the increasingly greedy belly of the city they call Aberston. Each year they attempt to encroach further and further across the moorlands, with the Centaurs warning them off in order to maintain the unadulterated nature of the prairie-buffalo. 
As part of their stewardship, the Centaurs take of the prairie-buffalo, sheering their wool when it gets bothersome, maintaining their hooves using farrier skills that have been passed down for generations, even milking them regularly. All of these activities generate products that the centaurs use for themselves, such as wool for garments, milk and its derivatives for food etc.


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