The Bodmany Wilds

The eastern reaches of the Bodmany Desert, far away from any known civilization consist of a sprawling expanse of badlands rising up into the steppes of the western face of the Bellever Mountains. The undulating sedimentary peaks with their straight bands of pure white and warm orange rocks indicative of worlds long since passed make for difficult navigation, and the unforgiving terrain between the peaks leaves the region unsuitable for even the hardiest of crops or cattle. 
The unique sedimentary make-up of these stone hills makes for the perfect environment for digging caves and tunnels; the relatively soft rock carves away easily but is so well compacted as to not collapse on itself (though this is still an ever-present danger). It is this exact property that makes it a perfect safe-haven for several (quite literal) underground groups.
Smugglers from across the map have carved out several secret hideaways to store their ill-gotten goods, often paying (and often killing) someone to painstakingly reseal the cave in such a way as to not reveal its location - making sure that the sedimentary layers are re-aligned so all that remains of their activity is an almost imperceptible arch-shaped crack in the otherwise smooth rock. 
Something the smugglers can't always guard against, however, are their secretive fanatic neighbours with whom they sometimes unknowingly share this expansive wilderness. The fanatics have created a great network of tunnels, allowing them travel underneath the unforgiving wilderness above almost completely unhindered (save for the occasional cave-in). They have discovered, however, that these cave-ins can sometimes yield unimaginable benefits: one tunnel collapsed catastrophically, killing several of the fanatics, after they unwittingly bore underneath one of the smugglers' hideaways, the floor collapsing into the tunnel under the weight of several dozen barrels of dwarven ales. The fanatics partied well that night, before setting in motion a plan to tunnel with sole aim of finding more hordes, effectively mining for stolen goods.


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