The Citadel Guard

Once known for their impecably high standards in presentation, unflinching valour and sense of duty, the Citadel Guard was the pride of Easton Barracks, so much so that the changing of the guard twice a day became something of a spectacle, with the fresh guard marching out of the barracks to great fanfare from their massed pipes and drums that accompanied them all the way the Court of Lords, where they would stand on parade for inspection by The Earl Marshall and the The Lord Steward (this is another honour that will go to the newly installed The Lord Provost.

However, after years of neglect from an absent Earl Marshall who is more interested in politics, discipline has slipped considerably; the guards became churlish and brutal, high on the adoration of onlookers and the reputation that came with being a Citadel Guard, acting like gods among men. They would happily accept bribes to look the other way at the bars on Unity Boulevard, some even took to accepting illegal contracts as professional mercenaries, knowing that there would be no consequences while the Earl Marshall sought to solidfy his bid to become Lord Provost - indeed, he was garnering quite the reputation for offering "incentivised additional duties", a thinly legitimised way of hiring the guards to do his building while on duty, so the city paid for the work.

Typically, the 4 regiments that provide the Citadel Guard reside at the barracks, and take relieve each other at dawn and dusk, with one regiment on duty, one at the barracks, one off duty, and one on leave at any given time. The guards on duty would be responsible for maintaining the security of the Citadel in its' entirety; posting four guardsmen on each of the bars (gatehouses) on unity boulevard; guards of honour at the entrance to the Court of Lords, and once appointed, personal security detail to The Lord Provost.


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