The Lord Provost

The leader of the proposed Cabinet of Aberston, the Lord Provost would be appointed ruler of Aberston upon its incorporation as a free city following the amalgamation of the three towns of Easton, Stannerton and Wheaton

The Lord Provost would be responsible for leading the pre-existing Civil Chamber, that would be re-invested as the Cabinet of Aberston, taking over from the The Lord Steward whose duty is to act as caretaker-leader in the absence of a clear council leader. The Lord Provost would also become commander-in-chief of the the military and naval forces, and defacto chair of the The Council of Arms; this in turn would make the three honorary members of the Civil Chamber (The Lord Admiral, The Earl Marshall and The Surgeon General), full members of the cabinet, as the governing body would no longer be a "civil entity", thus enabling military leaders to hold active seats. 

As a reflection of the power they wield, the Lord Provost would take up sole residency in the Court of Lords, with the main residency becoming the "Trinity Palace" in honour of the three towns.


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