The Lord Chief Justice

The Lord Chief Justice is a Peer of the Civil Chamber of the town of Easton , and is ultimately responsible for the justice system of the three towns. 
The full title is: His Lordship the Right Honourable Lord Chief Justice of Easton, Master of the Scrolls, Defender of Justice and Servant of the Law. The full title is poignant, as it describes how the position must be knowledgeable of the law, ensure justice prevails, and obey the law. The last title, 'Servant of the Law', is particularly important, as it indicates that the postholder cannot inject their personal views or opinions into the proceedings, not are they above the law. They are to act purely as a citizen of the realm through which the law can be communicated to the people. 
The Lord Chief Justice must work primarily in collaboration with The Lord Sheriff, who oversees the gaols and manages the townsguards. His role is made infinitely more complicated, however, by the jurisdictional nightmare that arises from having Easton Barracks and Admiralty Quay within the city walls, each of which is subject to Military Doctrine, Marshall Law, the Laws of Sea... innumerable sets of legislation. His right honourable colleagues, The Lord General and The Lord Admiral, refuse to cooperate over judicial matters where it is a sailor or soldier that has committed a crime outside of the barracks or while alongside. They also refuse to permit any civilians found to have breached their laws to be tried and sentenced in the civilian courts - citing that it happened within their jurisdiction, and so they must, therefore, mete out the appropriate (and often cruel) punishment. 
Civic, Law


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