The Rot of Faestival

Faestival is a long established festival that takes place in Kermendyowl Moor, with its origins rooted deep in fae lore and traditions, originally being a spritual celebration of nature. 
Over the years, it developed into something of a tourist attraction, with people coming from far and wide to appreciate the nuances of the rituals at a respectful distance. Soon however, the crowds grew, and became less respectful, wanted to get a step closer and closer to the action until they were practically interfering in the proceedings. Alongside this, traders looking to make easy money started popping up their tents around the perimeter, selling food, drink and useless trinkets to unsuspecting tourists. Before long, entertainers learned of the vast crowds and would turn up to entertain them between rituals; this marked the earliest versions of what Faestival is now known for today. 
This in fact served to help the Fae, who were more or less free to continue observing their ancient rituals unimpeded, save for the huge imposition of the festival covering much of their traditional sacred grounds. 
  Eventually, the political leaders of the realm realised what an immense distraction this festival could be for the masses; all the bards who would usually report on political developments would be busy touting for business at the festival, the masses would mostly be either attending the festival or working at it, and there were enough criminals lingering and mingling that most schemes could be carried out quite efficiently. This is particularly true of any schemes that would be hugely unpopular and risk civil unrest were they to be announced at any other time (for all decisions were required by law to be announced to the public for scrutiny).


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