Genasi (jen-ah-see)

The Genasi are descendants of the djinn and each sect can tap into one of the four pillars of the Material Plane.


The blue people of the Air Genasi always look like they're standing in a light breeze. They harness the power of the wind and bend it to their will. They can hold their breath indefinitely and have an ethereal commanding presence whenever they walk into a room. They have an aloof and airy personality and tend to look down on those without magical ability that rivals their own.


From deep charcoal to various shades of red and orange, the Fire Genasi are just as striking in their appearance as their demeanor. Accomplished Fire Genasi can turn a burning fire into a sharp blade with nothing more than a thought. Their explosive personalities are something to get used to, but they have good hearts underneath.


Usually a grey or brown color, the Earth Genasi appear as if carved from stone or metal. They can often be seen around mountain ranges and often are willing to help the Dwarves prevent dangerous rockslides. They have the ability to move the earth. They tend to be easy-going and prefer to keep to themselves without journeying too far away from their home mountaintop.


They appear as green or blue skinned while walking upon the land. The Water Genasi have gills nearly invisible to the naked eye lining the sides of the neck and slightly webbed fingers and toes. They can create or destroy water. Amphibian in nature, they can lead successful lives both on the land or below the waves. Water Genasi tend to be wishy-washy on their preferances and move between land and sea frequently.


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