Mercy's Vale

What started as a small settlement on a small dirt road in the Equus Highlands of Rhyderia has become a more and more influental area thanks to the arrival of a mysterious new being of power known as the Maiden of Mercy. An angel of the upper planes who made her appearnce in the midst of a plague of the Blightbringer had unleashed in the Rhyderia in their constant attempt to bring death to the verdant countryside. By her efforts the plague was contained long enough to be dealt with, and in so doing a small religion formed around her. Those whom she saved becoming her more ardent followers even able to give paladins power. To ease the burden of those that dealt with such death in their homelands she moved them to a place of quiet peace that would become known as Mercy's Vale.   Today the town grows with more people who had been victims in one way or another seeking a place where mercy is practiced. It has attracted hostile attention from monsters and bandits and so the town has worked to produce walls and gates to protect themselves but do not go out of their way to arm themselves beyond the bare minimum for protection. Even so the many other religious orginzations grow more and more wary as more join their flock and their defenses and potential power rises.


While not officially the leader of the township the Maiden of Mercy is often consulted by the ruling council of the town on important matters. If the Maiden were to say her desire for something to happen the council would do everything in their power to make it reality.


Windmills, blacksmiths, logging camps, hunting and gathering groups. Farms and ranches outside the walls that have many beasts of burden to produce dairy products, meat, and hides.
Founding Date
Last Harvest, 18, Year 108 of the Third age
Large town
Location under


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