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Coias (COY-as)

Coias is the god of light, responsible for the creation of both sun and moon, and the one who gifted mankind the ability to control fire. They set the stars in the night sky, as a promise to all the races of Berth that one day they too would walk across the great sea to be with the gods on their islands in paradise. Coias loves all that is beautiful, whether created by man or gods, and is equally passionate in their hatred for filth and decay. Their female aspect is the Lady of the Dawn and patron of the arts, while their male aspect is the Lord of Noon, who scours the earth of impurities.

Divine Domains

Lady Coias is the goddess of beauty and art, as well as the Lady of the Dawn. She delights in the extraordinary, and dances through the heavens at night leaving glimmers of fire in her wake, only to bless the world with her light again each morning.  Lord Coias is the god of clarity, truth, and the sun's heat. He purifies all he touches, burning away that which is gross or sickening. In his searing light, no lies can persist and all evil is scorched clean. He is a harsh god to worship, but one who is needed.

Holy Books & Codes

Lady Coias sends her messages through the arrangements of the stars on certain appointed nights each year, and in the beauty of the maidens dedicated to her service. She has no holy texts, though many poets and bards write in her name, and some of these tracts of poetry or prose are recognized each year as approaching her beauty. Lord Coias makes his will known through the revelations which come to priests in the heat of the day. His holy text is a collection of writings by his prophets, whose words are noted down faithfully by their scribes, as most of those blessed with his sight have gone blind from staring into the sun.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Lady Coias is represented by a sunflower, or sometimes a rose. Always something ephemeral, beautiful, and delicate.  Lord Coias is represented by the image of the sun, sometimes with an eye in the center, depicting his all-seeing gaze, from which no evildoer can hide.

Tenets of Faith

  • Truth and beauty are the path to heaven
  • Walk always in the sun
  • She who carries the light of joy within herself is unassailable
  • A light unshared might as well be darkness
  • Lady Coias: 
  • Beauty comes in many forms, the ability to appreciate it is yours to develop
  • Take pleasure in the little things
  • Dance, song, and art are small pieces of heaven you can have on earth
  • Lord Coias:
  • Purge the impurities from your soul to truly see the light
  • In heat and brilliance will you find truth
  • Lies and filth are stains upon the world; eradicate them
  • Holidays

    The first day of spring, which is also the dawn of a new year, is the holy day dedicated to Coias. The morning is spent cleaning first the home, then the streets of one's town or city, and the afternoon is spent in song and dance, celebrating the arrival of a new year and the glory of the arts. Additionally, the faithful often light a small stick of incense or burn a few sprigs of sage each morning to thank Coias for the gift of another day.
    Divine Classification


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