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The Chatia Empire (CHAH-tee-ah)

The Chatia Empire is the presiding government which controls the majority of Berth, with the exception of the Husura Isles, Zoasir, and Erdall's Wrack. Ruled by a Half-Elven Emperor and their Council of advisors, the Imperium primarily functions as a confederation of provinces, each of which rules itself according to the custom of its hereditary inhabitants, but which is responsible for providing support should the Empire go to war, and which pays taxes to the central authority in New Solaria. Theoretically, anyone can rise and anyone can fall here, but in practice most often the rich stay rich and the poor stay poor, and everyone in the middle is happy that they're not the one, and sad that they're not the other. This is the primary setting of the Girls Campaign, and it is the place which fostered the magical hubris that caused The Cataclysm.


The Chatia Empire sits rests upon a complicated hierarchy of nobility, merit appointments, and elected officials. The most important ones are, in order of rank, as follows:  
  • The Emperor: a hereditary title which is handed from the current Emperor to their oldest living child or, in the absence of a direct heir, the oldest living member of the Imperial Family born after the Emperor. (Note: the "living" qualification has been an issue at least twice in the history of the Imperium when the individual who would otherwise have become Emperor had become a lich (disinherited for unrelated reasons) or killed and resurrected (deemed unfit due to improper reanimation))
  • First Counselor: A merit-appointment granted to a noble from the Willingtry Riverlands (insofar as the Halflings have nobility) and allowed access to the Emperor without restriction barring health-related concerns. They are responsible for bringing the concerns of the Willingtry Riverlands to the personal attention of the Emperor, but more often they serve as a primary advisor and close confidant, furthering the common belief that when in crisis, you want a Halfling by your side. 
  • Second Counselor: a hereditary position passed down in the Caidove family of Wood Elves who rule Khidora, the elven province in the Filaurel Rainforest. Originally a polite concession made by Emperor Konaphar to the allied elves, since Emperor Trisnall's conquest of Khidora the Caidoves have taken a much more serious (and combative) interest in the ruling of the Imperium. They do the Imperium the service of disagreeing with whatever the rest of the counselors say, on principle. 
  • Third Counselor: an elected position chosen by the Elders of the Oukonyth Clutch, which rules the Pripya province in the Valford Plains. Typically, but not always, a Dragonborn. They provide guidance to the Emperor on matters of policy, and are consistently educated at The Collegium in history, law, and foreign affairs.
  • Minister of the Imperial Household: a hereditary position held by the Morven family, the Minister of the Imperial Household is primarily a personal bodyguard and spymaster. They are also often trained in assassination, poisons, stealth, and/or questionable magics, and act as an incorruptible retainer. For reasons unknown to the public, they rarely outlive their Emperor by more than a few years, which causes a great deal of speculation about the nature of the relationship. 
  • Minister of Sanitation: a merit appointment which is widely regarded with disdain, and which many people consider over-ranked. However, the wise understand that in a city as large and densely populated as New Solaria, and an empire as broad as the Imperium, sanitation must be looked to above almost all else. This position was instituted after The Sundering Cough under the reign of Emperor Trisnall Vakian. 
  • Minister of the Interior: a merit appointment granted to the most successful merchant in the Imperium every decade, this position is intended to promote financial well-being throughout the realm.
  • Minister of War: the highest military rank in the Imperial army, this position is often held by a hobgoblin, orc, or minotaur. They are to advise the Emperor and their council on the subject of military endeavors, and are usually the second busiest person in the capital after the Emperor themself. 
  • Minister of the Treasury: a merit appointment usually granted to the scion of one of the rich and powerful New Solaria families. This is widely regarded to be a make-work job rife with nepotism, as it changes hands every two years and legally cannot be granted to the same person twice. In actuality, it is one of the more complex positions in the high government, and is regularly used by the nobility to scare their heirs into correct behavior by the application of sudden intense responsibility. 
  • Minister of Education: an elected position, chosen by the high priesthood of Lord Meean and responsible for the education standards for schools throughout the Imperium. 
  • Minister of Transportation: an elected position, chosen by the Emperor's Council and responsible for maintaining roads, shipping routes, lightning rails trains, planeshifting stations, and teleportation sigils. Particularly charged with ensuring unobstructed travel through The Multiverse Tower.
  • Minister of Communication: an elected position, chosen by the Emperor's Council and responsible for maintaining open lines of communication with all the far-flung corners of the Imperium. 
  • Minister of Agriculture: an elected position, chosen by the Emperor's Council and responsible for guiding the farmers and ranchers who support the Imperium with their produce. Despite being the lowest-ranking position on the Emperor's Council, the Minister of Agriculture is always a learned individual who is afforded great respect by the wise, as it is by their policy that the realm prospers.
  Outside of the Emperor's Council, there are the various leaders of provinces. Those ranks are as follows:
  • Governor: appointment determined on a province-by-province basis, this is the technical term for the individual who answers only to the Emperor and their Council regarding the behavior of their province and its peoples. They generally have a different title by which they are known locally, and they all gather once every five years for a great conference in New Solaria to discuss the needs of the Empire. Whether they are bound by additional strictures is dependent on where they rule, but all must follow the laws set down by the Emperor. 
  • Duke: the next highest rank for anyone not on the Council, Dukes are typically the parriarchs of ancient noble families which trace their lineage back to the Age of Heroes or earlier. While technically outranked by Governors, Dukes are granted great leeway with regards to their family's hereditary lands, which are considered to be almost sovereign provinces of their own, and are expected to independently provide troops and materials for any wars waged by the Imperium. They are generally only tried by the High Imperial Court, and tend to have quite obscene amounts of money. 
  • Count: noble families who can trace their ancestry back to the Age of Kings are also granted respect by Imperial decree. Counts are responsible to their provincial Governors for civil and criminal suits, and often make up the Governor's council, if they have one. Many have money and land, but others lack one or the other, or are urban nobility relying on mercantile endeavors to fund their lifestyle.
  • Baron: noble families created since the founding of the Imperium are often looked down upon by the old guard, but generally enjoy more wealth and privilege than Counts, and even some Dukes. They are tried by provincial Governors' courts, and are often the descendants of individuals or families which rendered some great service to the Emperor. Most Barons live on the outskirts of the Imperium, as the easiest way to join the nobility has historically been to play a major role in the conquest or annexation of a new province. 
  • Lord/Lady: any common-blooded individual or family whose net worth in liquid funds, land, or trade goods is found to exceed 50,000 platinum pieces in value is considered minor nobility. The person in question and members of the family are referred to as Lord or Lady, and most are rightly proud of it. They are looked upon with indulgent fondness by most old guard nobles, but generally detested by Barons, who see them as competition. This is true, as any family which maintains its status as minor nobility for 100 years is raised to the status of Baron. 
  • Knight: the very lowest of the nobility, Knights are individuals who served with particular distinction under a Governor, Count, or Duke and were granted permanent rights to live and work on a part of the higher noble's lands. They are rare, but they answer only to their liege lord, completely evading the Imperial Court system. This, in addition to the fact that most are from poor families which the liege lord promises to care for even after their death, makes them fanatically loyal as a rule. Any given Governor, Count, or Duke can only have three Knights under their command, to prevent misuse of the system. 
  Non-noble titles are seldom granted by the Imperium, though many individuals grant them to themselves, and are sometimes recognized by the ruling Governor of a given province. Some are purely cultural titles, like the Yuan-ti "Clutchmaster" or the Fire Genasi "Flamespeaker." Some hold weight and command respect even outside of their home province, like the Hobgoblin "General," the Triton "Deepguard," or the Frost Elf "Nightwalker," but others are received with bafflement or simply not recognized, like the Owlin "Refractor."

Public Agenda

The Imperium wishes to expand its borders, promote the growth and development of its citizenry, and encourage the discovery of new technology and magic. The current Emperor is particularly invested in the veneration of the new god Luxren and the launching of the Lux, the moon planned by The Collegium.


Almost all of Berth south of the Husura Oceans belongs to the Imperium, with the notable exception of the islands of Zoasir (capital Drifandi) and Erdall's Wrack (capital Herlach), neither of which are strategically significant or possess sufficient material wealth to merit military conquest. There are rumors that the Third Counselor is in negotiations with the Chieftain of Herlach to bring Erdall's Wrack into the Imperium, but these are unsubstantiated as of yet.  The Imperial Army stands some 500,000 strong, with support from the 350,000 sailors of the Imperial Navy and the 200,000 airsailors and pilots of the Imperial Airforce. This is in addition to the roughly 100,000 members of the Imperial Auxiliary Force, the 125,000 riders in the Imperial Cavalry, the 150,000 casters in the Imperial Mage Corps, and the unknown number of individuals who count themselves part of the highly-trained and highly classified Emperor's Blade.  The Imperium is also the guardian of The Multiverse Tower with its many gates to other realms both familiar and foreign.

Grow forever, never yield.

1 IA, 17th of the Reaping Moon - 4688 IA

Geopolitical, Empire
Alternative Names
The Imperium
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Unitary state
Economic System
Mixed economy
The Imperium uses standard-weight platinum, gold, silver, and copper coins with the Imperial Seal on one side and the visage of Konaphar Chathya on the other. Each denomination of coin is worth 100 of the next lower denomination (1 platinum = 100 gold, 1 gold = 100 silver, etc).
Neighboring Nations


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