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Erdall (Air-DOLL)

Erdall is the tempest god, ruler of the sea and storm. A god fundamentally focused on something so unpredictable, Erdall shows two very disparate faces to the world. Both appreciate the power of the ocean and the weather, but while the female aspect glories in that wildness and encourages her followers to do likewise, dancing and fighting in summer showers while the lightning crashes around them, the male aspect carries with him the ponderous gravity of the sea and the unstoppable force of a winter storm rolling in.

Divine Domains

Lady Erdall is the goddess of revelry, summer storms, and lightning. She is a laughing, wild, young divinity with little regard for tradition or order. She openly encourages drunken shenanigans, confident that she will not be around for the consequences. Her acolytes throw some of the best parties in the world, and brew the most potent liquor.  Lord Erdall, by contrast, is the god of the sea, hurricanes, and grudges. He holds no particular reverence for the constructions of civilization, and is one of the more inscrutable deities, with motives that can be impossible to discern. He is not worshipped so much as he is appeased. Clerics dedicated to Erdall pursue the tempest domain, while paladins swear oaths of conquest or devotion, and sometimes oaths of vengeance.

Holy Books & Codes

Neither the Lord nor the Lady of Tempest instructs their followers through scripture. Lady Erdall is known to grant flashes of inspiration to her most dedicated adherents, occasionally by striking them with lightning. Her priesthood collects the words of all those who have survived such an event, in the hope of divining from this rather confusing assortment of commentary some shred of her will. No doubt she gets quite a kick out of this. Lord Erdall's priests study the patterns of storms, looking for signs from their god. Only rarely do they find such, and the omens usually only foretell more destructive storms later in the season.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Lady Erdall is represented by a stylized stormcloud emitting a fork of lightning. Lord Erdall is represented by a single, massive wave, dark and unstoppable.

Tenets of Faith

  • The works of man are finite and fragile, and should not be treated as immutable
  • Draw strength from chaos, it is the only constant
  • Water wears away all things with time
  • Violence is part of nature, embrace it
  • Lady Erdall:
  • All things die, why live a boring life in an effort to live a long one?
  • The mortal spirit should be wild and untamed like a summer storm
  • Intoxication and revelry bring the living closer to the gods
  • Lord Erdall: 
  • Forgiveness easily won is forgiveness easily forgotten
  • Once in motion, do not stray from your course
  • All actions have consequences, but some are ultimately irrelevant. Learn the difference.
  • Holidays

    The spring equinox, at the height of the storm season for Berth's southern hemisphere, is a holy day for Erdall. On this day the young and impetuous throw an unrestrained party in Lady Erdall's name, and the older, more restrained members of the community make sacrifices to Lord Erdall in hopes of mild weather for the rest of the season.
    Divine Classification


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