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Qivian (KIH-vee-awn)

Qivian is the god of trickery and the arbiter of change. They appear when the gods are deadlocked on some topic and bring with them a new perspective which gets the discussion moving again. That, or they simply prank the other gods until someone gives up and compromises. Unlike the rest of the pantheon, Qivian has no male or female aspects. Instead, they have a positive and a negative aspect, which can appear as any gender or none, as the god chooses. This inconsistency makes it difficult to tell, at first glance, which aspect of the god you're dealing with. Usually, however, their behavior gives them away in short order.

Divine Domains

Qivian's positive aspect oversees beneficial change, alteration in tradition, humor, pranks, and teenage rebelliousness. Unruly adolescents are said to be touched by Qivian, and are treated with fond understanding, because the urge to reject the instructions of authority figures is divine in origin. This is the aspect that balances Coznir's need for rigid structure in all things, preventing the pantheon from stagnating, mired in old rules that no longer apply. Qivian's negative aspect is the god of unnecessary change, ignoring tradition, theft and lies. Those who would avoid the consequences of their poor choices often turn to this god for the cunning to push blame onto others, and those who take what they want by dishonest means seek them out for the luck and skill to do so. This aspect forces things to change needlessly, creating endless upheaval and confusion.  Qivian's clerics are clerics of the trickery domain, and paladins swear oaths of the ancients in addition to oaths of devotion.

Holy Books & Codes

The united scripture for both aspects of this god is The Chronicle of Qivian, a collection of fables and fairy tales featuring the god's activities across the ages. It follows Qivian from the time of the birth of the world up until the most recent age, with new pages added each time the god makes an appearance in this world.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Qivian is represented by a pair of twelve-sided dice. In their positive aspect, the dice land on the same number. In their negative aspect, they land on different ones. Many of the god's devotees carry dice with them, and it is widely rumored that these dice are weighted. "Never gamble with a priest of Qivian" is a lesson many dice players learn the hard way.

Tenets of Faith

  • Change is the universe's only constant 
  • Tradition and law didn't save the World Before
  • Honesty is an admirable goal, but not always an achievable one
  • Sometimes all you can do is laugh
  • Positive Qivian:
  • Pride is more easily destroyed by a joke than a blade
  • Laughter can save you a world of heartache
  • Perfection isn't possible; focus on having a good time
  • Negative Qivian:
  • Why work hard for something you can just take?
  • Rules are made to be broken
  • Only the stupid believe what they're told
  • Holidays

    The winter solstice, when the world is locked in ice and people are beginning to go a little mad with being stuck inside with their families, is Qivian's day of revelry. No matter the weather, people of all ages spend this day outside, interacting with their neighbors and drinking copious quantities of spiced wine produced by Qivian's temples. Children sled, skate on ponds, and build forts for snowball battles while adults gossip, joke, and, occasionally, also pelt each other with snowballs. Adolescents just reaching their teenage years are allowed their first taste of alcohol at this celebration, and the tone of the event usually reflects that. The day after is usually spent nursing fantastic hangovers and trying to sort fact from fiction regarding the rumors spread the day before.
    Divine Classification


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