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Tylan (TIE-lan)

Tylan is the god of war, a volatile fighter with an unmatched eye for tactics. It is they who grace the battlefields of the north, where valiant knights face off against twisted magical abominations and heathen barbarian clans. They are the god who teaches Lady Pholir and Lord Coias the art of combat, and they are the god whose rage over Nione's injuries at Romos's hands nearly began a war in heaven. Only the intercession of Lord Bavesis, who appealed to Tylan's female aspect and her aptitude for strategy, prevented such a catastrophe. Lord Tylan, the god of combat, still stands ready to avenge Nione's hurt, even all these centuries later.

Divine Domains

Lord Tylan is the god of combat, brawling, and adrenaline. The rush that comes from starting a fight and the great pleasure of winning are both his domain. He is the patron of gladiators, soldiers, and knights who fight for the sheer joy of it.  Lady Tylan is the goddess of strategy, logistics, and the hard decisions a commander makes in wartime. She is the goddess of generals and admirals, the one who studies the tides of war and chooses what course of action to take. She assuages the guilty spirits of commanders who send their troops into battle, and whispers advice into the ears of tacticians.  Clerics of Tylan are clerics of the war domain, and paladins swear oaths of conquest, glory, and vengeance.

Holy Books & Codes

Lord Tylan sends no scripture to his followers, but guides his most loyal adherents into a berserker battle fury which can carry them through the hardest fights. Some say they hear his voice during this state of divine madness, and though the church attempts to suppress it, the Song of Battle (sometimes called The Barbarian's Hymn) is still a popular marching and drinking song among soldiers.  Lady Tylan's church lives by The Covenant of Combat, a treatise on strategy which is continually added to by each High Priestess as she learns and develops new and more effective ways to win wars.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Lord Tylan is represented by a double-bearded axe wreathed in flame. Lady Tylan is represented by a bastard sword, point down.

Tenets of Faith

  • Combat is a test to be overcome
  • Pain is temporary, glory is forever
  • Bear your scars with pride, they tell of injuries you survived
  • No battle plan survives first contact with the enemy
  • Lord Tylan:
  • In the midst of chaos, there is also opportunity
  • Victory without challenge is no victory at all
  • The greatest music is that of battle
  • Lady Tylan: 
  • Victorious warriors win first, and then go to war
  • All warfare is based on deception
  • Opportunities multiply as they are seized
  • Holidays

    The first day of summer is sacred to Tylan. Grand tournaments are hosted every year, wherein warriors of all ages and ranks can test themselves against trials, puzzles, and most of all, each other. It is looked forward to by all those of martial prowess, and also by those who wish to sell souvenirs, food, and medical attention to the crowds drawn in by the tourney. The tournament hosted outside of New Solaria is referred to as The Grand Tourney, and the winner is granted a princely sum of gold by the priesthood of Tylan.
    Divine Classification


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