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WB News at 6 - part 1

  “Welcome to the WB news at 6 pm. I’m Courtney Burnett. Today marks the 10th day of the state-wide quarantine of New York in response to what some have been calling, the dream plague. On October 23rd Governor Pataki enacted martial law. To answer some of our questions on quarantine concerns we have a prepared statement by General Nelson. Later to discuss the medical concerns we will have an interview with Dr. Steven Rhinehardt.”   Screen transitions to image of General Nelson.
“Thank you for agreeing to speak with us. First I would like to ask General Nelson what you can share with our viewers on the quarantine.” The general responds, “First off I wanted to clarify a few things. The Governor declared martial law in response to the state emergency involving the incidents involving the …Hypna-gogic Hal-lu-cino-genic Constructs; or HHC’s for short. The federal troops, national guard and local law enforcement are all coordinating to ensure your safety. I will leave it to the Doctor to go into further details on the medical concerns and the proper pronunciation for the HHC’s. This dream plague as you call it was resulting in in people experiencing dreams that would interact with the environment and as time progressed these dreams became progressively more aggressive and hostile in nature.”   “The purpose of the quarantine is three-fold. Our primary objective is to contain the threat within the New York area to stop further outbreaks elsewhere. Which is why a series of security checkpoints, roadblocks and the mandatory curfew of 8pm to 9am. To this aim we have seen progress as no reported HHC incident has been reported outside the quarantine zone within the last 36 hours."   "The secondary objective is to provide control and means of protection to deal with the outbreaks locally within the zone. I know some of you have complained having an hour or more added to your daily commute, but such restrictions have helped coordinate transportation patterns around regions of high HHC outbreaks and contain current active HHC incidents. For those who require them to travel after curfew hours for work or medical reasons contact your local employment office to setup an appointment for interviews to be approved for travel documentation. Once completed each application will evaluated on a case-by-case basis. For those who have approved travel documentation keep it with you as it will be asked for and reviewed at checkpoints and for those seen traveling after curfew."   "The final objective of the quarantine is to provide treatment. Several government agencies are working together to provide treatment for individuals who voluntarily seek help managing their dreams and intervene with individuals who are a danger to themselves and others. I believe you are interviewing one of our medical experts later, but I will say we do have a humane treatment regiment in place with plans of expanding upon it should the need arise. In summary the quarantine is working both to contain, study and treat this state emergency for your safety.”   The screen returns to broadcast. “That was the statement from General Nelson. When we return we will be playing the interview with Dr. Steven Rhinehardt with medical concerns and general precautions.”


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