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Galachna is the triple-bodied goddess of witchcraft, borders and mysteries. She watches over witches, diviners and herbalists as well as midwives and childbirth.    While Cerawna is the goddess of the night, Galachna takes over her domain during the new moon, when divination magic and witchcraft are at their strongest.

Divine Domains

Knowledge, Arcana, Twilight

Divine Symbols & Sigils

New Moon or crescent, waning moon; cauldron; poisonous plants; three-headed animals, particularly cats


New Moon

Regular rituals are held by her followers on every New Moon, either at home or in one of her temples. These usually involve long prayers and small sacrifices. A New Moon is also the best time to practice witchcraft or divination.  

Lunar Eclipse

Every lunar eclipse, particularly a total lunar eclipse, is cause for a celebration of Galachna. Since they occur during full moons, when usually Cerawna is at her strongest, they are seen by her followers as signs of Galachna's influence even over other deities.  

Border Crossings

Since Galachna is the Goddess of borders, many rituals about border crossings address her. Travellers might sacrifice to Vesako, but they also leave an offering to Galachna when they cross into another country or from land to sea.   When a new house is built, something living should be buried underneath the threshold in sacrifice to Galachna and to keep out dark magic. While it has been a long time since a child was buried beneath a doorstep, dogs are still commonly used as sacrifices. In the cities, customs have shifted to spilling blood where a new front door is to be built - though some call this new development sacrilegous and careless.
Galachna is depicted as a woman with three heads or three bodies, usually of different ages. She is often shown with poisonous plants, usually yew, a cauldron and a three-headed cat.
Divine Classification


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