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When choosing a Faery as a player character race, use the following characteristics:
  • Immunity: Faeries are immune to all diseases.
  • Low Light Vision: Fey races can see quite well in the dark. They ignore attack penalties for Dim and Dark lighting.
  • Magically Attuned: Faeries are quite attuned with the Ley Lines that crisscross the Fey Realm, allowing them to draw upon that energy to boost their Vigor. While in the Fey Realm, they gain a +2 bonus to resist all negative environmental effects and a +2 bonus to resist poison.
  • Fae Spirited: Faeries begin Character Creation with Spirit d6.
  • Temperament: Their arrogance towards others can cause friction; dealing with them may require some tact and diplomacy. Faeries gain the Arrogant Hindrance.

Basic Information

Biological Traits

Faeries are the most ‘ethereal’ of the fey races. They are the most attuned to power of the Ley Lines and the ways of magic.

They are considered capable fighters, who tend to prefer ranged attacks to close combat.

Ecology and Habitats

Faeries prefer to live amongst the open spaces, forests, and woods of Lankhmar’s central midlands or within the urban districts of Mistas De Saard.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Fairies are born into one of two Courts; the Summer Court and the Winter Court. Whether politically active or aloof, Fae generally bear the characteristics of the Court of their birth, reflecting their auras, personalities, and appearance.

More details can be found The Fae Court

Civilization and Culture

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Fae of the Summer Court can be somewhat arrogant and hedonistic, but they generally don’t derive much pleasure from another’s expense. Fae of the Winter Court tend to be subtly manipulative, preferring to arrange things in their favor without anyone else noticing.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

King Oberon and Queen Titania are said to posses a bountiful cup that is ever full for those virtuous of the Blood; supplying ambrosia and even more solid fare when desired for the evening feast which they host for the Fae Court every night.

Glamours and Fae Magicks

The Fae of the Summer Court have varied interests when it comes to glamours, though they tend to prefer green and healing glamours and generally eschew darker glamours unless absolutely necessary.

The Fae of the Winter Court tend to prefer glamours like charms that influence, shapeshifting, shadow and blood magics; perhaps even vampiric forces.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Faeries tend to come across as arrogant, but upon earning their trust, a friend for life is gained.

Faeries get along very well though with brownies, nyads, and sprites while relationships with dwarves and gnomes are kept cordial, but decidedly neutral. Humans have to work hard to gain their respect.
The average faery lives for 300-500 years. Many live well into their 600th year and some live as long as 750 years.
Average Height
Faeries are about the size of humans (the small winged creatures found in children’s tales are actually sprites). They average 5ft 8in tall with some exceeding 6ft, although this is rare.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Summer Fae coloration runs from pastels; light, bright tones of rose pink, sapling green, spring sun yellow, robin’s egg blue to the rich and vibrant tones of deep sky blue, sunflower gold, forest green, and bonfire red.

Summer Fae often smell of newness and living things – from fresh-grown grass, spring flowers, and newborn rabbit fur to muskier scents like earth, ozone, and rain.

Winter Fae coloration from the high contrast tones of winter; snow white, black, pale sky blue, holly berry red to the muted, earthy tones of autumn leaves, golds, crimsons, browns, and deep purples.

Winter Fae often smell of coldness and decay – wet rotting leaves, fresh mushrooms, first frosts, damp fur, crushed mint, old blood.

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