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Pierre Le Flurry

Male Human (Novice)
Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 8 (3)


  • Agility d8
  • Smarts d4
  • Spirit d8
  • Strength d10
  • Vigor d6


  • Athletics d6
  • Common Knowledge d6
  • Faith d8
  • Fighting d8
  • Notice d6
  • Persuasion d6
  • Shooting d4
  • Stealth d4


  • Code of Honor (Major): Honor is very important to your character. He keeps his word, doesn’t abuse or kill prisoners, and generally tries to operate within his world’s particular notion of proper gentlemanly or ladylike behavior.
  • Thin Skinned (Minor): The character is particularly susceptible to personal attacks. As a Minor Hindrance, he subtracts two when resisting Taunt attacks.
  • Vow (Minor): Pierre has pledged himself to Lux Vitae.


  • Arcance Background (Miracles): Those who invoke miracles draw their power from a divine presence of some sort, i including gods, nature, or spirits. Their powers are usually invoked with a few words of prayer or by performing established rituals. Those who cast miracles are champions of their particular religions. They typically have Hindrances that pertain to their service, such as Vow or Obligation. They might also have Connections to others of their religion who can help them out when their divine energies wane.

Cantrips (4)

  • BLUELIGHT This cantrip summons a small globe of glowing blue light that floats around his head. The light has an eerie appearance when viewed from a distance and provides light sufficient to read by in an area equal to a small burst template. The light does not cast reflections beyond the area of effect and does not affect Infravision (or other types of vision) in any way. The globe is static unless cast on an object. Its effect lasts for one turn.
  • CLEAN/DIRTY/POLISH/TARNISH Clean allows the caster to remove heavy soil, dirt, and like foreign objects from floors, walls, dishes, windows, etc. All the surfaces of a like type (e.g., all floors or all windows) may be cleaned in a single casting. Dirty simply sullies all surfaces within range. The cantrip can also be used to magically smooth and brings a luster to material such as wood, metal, stone, leather, or ceramic which he handles. Tarnish and rust may be removed. A single object, such as a pair of boots, a floor, an armoire, or a suit of leather armor, may be affected. Tarnish has the opposite effect. The effect is permanent, but such objects may be cleaned or tarnished by non-arcane means.
  • GUIDANCE This cantrip will reveal the direction of magnetic North to the caster.
  • MESSAGE This cantrip allows the caster to pass a message of up to 10 words to a target within range. The message is delivered as a faint whisper in the target’s ear.

Miracles (Arcane Background)


Rank: Novice
Power Points: 3
Range: Touch
Duration: Instant
Trappings: Laying on hands, touching the victim with a holy symbol, prayer.
Healing removes Wounds less than an hour old. A success removes one Wound, and a raise removes two. The power may be cast additional times to remove additional Wounds within that hour and as long as the healer has enough Power Points. For Extras, the GM must first determine if the ally is still alive (see Aftermath, page 96). If so, a successful arcane skill roll returns the ally to action (Shaken if it matters).
GREATER HEALING (+10): Greater healing can restore any Wound, including those more than an hour old.
CRIPPLING INJURIES (+20): The power can heal a permanent Crippling Injury (see Incapacitation, page 95). This requires an hour of preparation and only one casting is permitted per injury. If it fails, this caster cannot heal that particular injury (but someone else may try). If successful, the subject is Exhausted for 24 hours.
NEUTRALIZE POISON OR DISEASE (+1): A successful healing roll negates any poison or disease. If the poison or disease has a bonus or penalty associated with it, the modifier applies to the arcane skill roll as well.


Rank: Novice
Power Points: 1
Range: Spirit
Duration: Instant
Trappings: Prayer, tonics.
Relief removes one Fatigue level, or two with a raise. It can also remove a character’s Shaken status, and removes Stunned status with a raise.
ADDITIONAL RECIPIENTS (+1): The power may affect more than one target for 1 additional Power Point each.

Boost/Lower Trait

Rank: Novice
Power Points: 2
Range: Spirit
Duration: 5 (boost Instant (lower)
Trappings: Physical change, glowing aura, potions.
This power allows a character to increase or decrease a target’s Trait (attribute or skill).
Boosting an ally’s Trait increases the selected Trait one die type, or two with a raise, for five rounds.
Lowering an enemy’s Trait has a Duration of Instant and lowers the selected attribute or skill a die type with success, or two with a raise (to a minimum of d4). A victim automatically tries to shake off the effect with a Spirit roll as a free action at the end of his following turns. Success improves the effect one die type, and a raise removes the effect entirely.
Additional castings don’t stack on a single Trait (take the highest), but may affect different Traits.
ADDITIONAL RECIPIENTS (+1): The power may affect more than one target for 1 additional Power Point each.
STRONG (+1): Lower Trait only. The Spirit roll to shake off the effect is made at −2.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Physical Description

Apparel & Accessories

Note: Armor is written in parentheses next to a character’s Toughness, like this: X (Y). This means Y points of the character’s X Toughness comes from Armor. An Armor Piercing attack can bypass those Y points but not the remaining total.


  • Reinforced Chain. This armor is made of chain reinforced with solid sheets of metal (+3 AP, Min. Str d8)


  • Unarmed (Range: Melee, Damage Str)
  • Zweihänder (Range: Mele, Damage Str+d10, Reach 1, Two Handed).

Specialized Equipment

Half-Swording Technique (requires hand and a half or two handed sword):

  • Reduces Reach to 0, +1 Parry, AP 2 (Armor Piercing, ignores 2pts of armor).

  • Or Alternate Damage Option

  • Reduce Reach to 0, damage type changes from Slashing/Piercing to Bludgeoning. No Parry bonus, no AP (this represents the historical usage of reverse gripping the sword as well as ‘pommel/guard punching’ applications).

Mental characteristics

Accomplishments & Achievements


  1. Increase Strength to d10
  2. Power Points Increase


Contacts & Relations

  • Father Ferdinand. The Ordinatus. A priest to Pierre since he was a child and a mentor in holy communication with the gods
  • Knight Karl Legrand. Order of Lux Aeterna. Pierre's mentor in combat and battle tactics
  • Maria Ozymandias. Lankhmar. Childhood friend and the daughter of minor merchant, who is knowledgeable about the goings-ons outside and inside the city of Lankhmar
Current Location
Land of the Eight Cities
Current Residence
Lux Aeterna Chapter House, City of Lankhmar
Quotes & Catchphrases
Novem Luceat Lux Clara
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Languages: Lux Vitae (Chruch Tounge, d4), Common (d4), Eight Cities (Native, d8)

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