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Lux Vitae, the Church of Lankhmar

Lux Vitae or Light is Life is the state religion of Lankhmar and its highest church, the Cathedral of Light, is located within the city proper.

The church's emblem, a shinning orange sun with nine rays on a field of cream, is said to represent the light of the nine gods. Hedge prophets and hermits said to be touched by the light have made claims throughout history that the nine gods are but one god with nine faces or aspects, but this idea has yet to take widespread hold.

The church is lead by a Grand Priest, the position is currently held by Ordinatus Benedict the Wise of North Ulber. The church maintains a potent militant order called the Lux Aeterna, led by Grand Marshal Leopold Von Byzantium, affectionately known to his men as Leopold the Bold. It has been said that the Grand Marshal's position rivals that of the Grand Priest himself.


Led by the Grand Marshal, the Order of Lux Aeterna specialize in the martial arts, while the Ordinatus led by the Grand Priest, specialize in divine miracles.

Ordinatus Knights use both the will of the gods and their own martial prowess to defend the church and all those she has sworn to protect. They belong to the Order of Lux Aeterna and are the chruch's most powerful warriors

Local militias, generally led by unknighted sargeants, make up the majority of Church forces, typical augmented by knights-in-training. These forces are usually sufficient to deal with minor troubles, particularly as it is widely known that the full force of the Lux Aeterna's heavy cavalry and ferocious heavy foot will be deployed to support them if the need arises.


Cathedral of Light, Lankhmar
Fortress monasteries, across Nehwon

Demography and Population

Maintain fortress monasteries throughout the lands of men, including in the The City of Lankhmar


The nine Goddesses and Gods of Lux Vitae shine bright in the hearts of their worshippers. Each diety has their own sphere of influence which is representitive of the divine miracles they bestow upon the faithful.  

The Pantheon of Lux Vitae

  • Deorum: King of the Gods
  • Deus Belli: God of War
  • Familiae Dei: Goddess of Family
  • Deus Oceani: God of the Ocean
  • Deus Villam: God of Farming
  • Sapientia Dei: Goddess of Wisdom
  • Deus Artis: Goddess of Culture
  • Deus Mercaturae: God of Commerce
  • Deus Mortis: Goddess of the Dead


The Ordinatus (Priests of Lux Vitae)
Order of Lux Aeterna (Military Order)

Novem Luceat Lux Clara
(The Nine Shine Bright)

Religious, Organised Religion
Official State Religion
Permeated Organizations
Notable Members

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