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The City of Mistas De Saard

Mistas De Saard is a crossroads between the lands of the Fae and the lands of men. A city built at the center of the largest junction of intersecting Ley Lines on the continent of Lankhmar; or what humans who have done their research believe is the primal, wild, and untamed energy that flows through all things. It’s in every tree, every mountain, every valley, and if the sorcerers of Quarmall are to be believed, it even flows through us.

The city is divided into two levels; upper and lower. The upper city, is home to the fantastical palaces of the Fae Lords & Ladies which seemingly grow out of the very mountainsides, nestled amongst pristine waterfalls and verdant groves. The lower city has been given over to all the races of Nehwon. It is comprised of several wards that straddle the Saard River, including a small island ward that is centered in it, connected to the city by beautiful stone bridges.


The Fae are the most prevalent species in Mistas De Saard, though most of the races of Nehwon can be found here including elves, dwarves, rakashans, half-breeds, and humans of various nationalities. Ratlings, while far from common, are as welcome as all other living beings in the Fae realm and do not suffer from the typical distrust that they are viewed with further north in the city of Lankhmar. Ratlings innate ability to hide their origins from humans is far less effective with the Fae and completely ineffective with Rakashans who are known to hunt and occasionally dine upon them.

Rarely seen in the city itself are larger creatures such as forest giants and ents who tend to prefer the more expansive Fae Wilds.

Nehwon Ghouls are unwelcome in Mistas De Saard as their practice of consuming the flesh of other sentient races goes against the nature of most Fae. Any Nehwon Ghoul found openly and undisguised will soon find their fate in the hands of the mercurial Fae Court.


Mistas De Saard is the seat of power of the fabled Fae Court who rule the surrounding central midlands of the continent of Lankhmar and nominally, govern the city as well.

The mercurial Fae Court is oft rumored to be the center of a never ending game of shifting alliances and political intrigue that occasionally spills over into the lower city. The day to day affairs of the city are handled by the Council of the Seven Winds, commonly referred to as ‘The Seven’, through its network of agents whom are usually easily identifiable in their blue and silver livery.


Most Lankhmarts think that their city, surrounded by its thick stone walls rising four stories high and its imposing fortress-like guard towers is the greatest of metropolises; the very height of civilization with every conceivable pleasure and commodity available. The denizens of Mistas De Saard believe their city, while certainly not as large geographically, nor as populous, is by every meaningful standard, a greater city.

One of the reasons they believes this is because Mistas De Saard has no walls, no gates, no guard towers, as these are constructs of man and are out of balance with the natural world. No army has ever tried to conquer the Shining City which would be an audacious endeavor just based on the terrain alone. The city and the Saard River valley, which flows from it, are surrounded by heavy forests, hidden swamps, and rugged mountain peaks.

The true defenses of the city though are the Fae themselves. The myriad of abilities, both light and dark, inherent to those who dwell not only in the city but within the realms of the Fae Wilds that surround it, are considerable.

It is for these reasons that the City of Mist has no militia or military trappings of any kind. Mistas De Saard does have a small constabulary, headquartered in Hobbitton Ward and mostly comprised of hobbits, who patrol the city armed with short spears and iron helms. While they do quiet the occasional squabble, typically resulting from playful Fae full of too much Brownie ale, they also act as the fire brigade. Fire is something most Fae take seriously and it may be for this reason alone that this diverse city has even a token guard force.

Crime is not tolerated in the city or the Fae Wilds. Perpetrators find that the justice of the Fae Court is swift and often permanent.


Mistas De Saard is surrounded by heavily forested and mountainous lands located deep in the heart of the Lankhmar midlands. The city is located at the headwaters of the Saard River, which winds it way northward to the Lakes of Pleea, whose temperate water’s teem with fish.

Connecting Mistas De Saard with the city of Kartishla is the River Hlal, a mighty tributary of the Saard which flows north all the way to the Inner Sea, past the City of Lankhmar, forming the boundary between the Grain Fields to the West and the Great Salt Marsh to the East.

Farther south, the land of the Fae gives way to the wasteland known as the Stony Desert. West, beyond the Mountains of Hunger, lies the city of Quarmall renowned for its powerful sorcerers, decadent aristocrats, and heretical astrologists. To the East, through the Vast Forest and accessible by several river systems, lies the Sea of the East.
Alternative Name(s)
Mag Mell, The Shining City, The City of Mist
Owning Organization
Characters in Location

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