Camp Structure

The structure of the realm camps within the game is largely influenced by the home realm culture it came from.

For the cultures of the realms, please visit the The Higher Realms pages.

Command Structure

Each camp will have the same command structure; a commander and a second in command who will be game referees and will create both the IC and OC command team of that camp.

The names of these positions may be different dependent on which camp you are in.

These will be the only refs stationed in the camps at the start of the game, however dependent on growth of factions more refs may be assigned to help with the reffing needs of that camp.

Player Structure

All other structure mechanics outside of the command team are player based, which all will conform within the Status system. The titles of these Status's will be different depending on the camp you are in. For details of these specific Status title names and what they do/give characters, please see the Camp Status page.

Players may either be solo or part of a group. For group information please see Camp Groups

Camp Layout

Each camp will be laid out differently based upon the culture of the home realm.

Each camp will have a communcal command tent, as well as players tents. Where possible, players can be camped IC. For more information on how to request IC tent space, see the Game Details page.

Please be aware though, that tents in the camps are IC at all times during game play and subject to all the rules of the game.

The following camp plans are what we hope we can accomplish and will work towards, though layouts may change dependent on number of tents and available space on site.



Surrounding the Asgard command tent players can be camped in warband groups, army units, or family communities. Nation origin will also be looked at when placing groups in camp.



The different castes of Alfar can be camped together. Dokkar and Vighta may intermingle with Humans either amongst them, or camped separately. Lloss will be camped together.



The Svartalfar will be inside an inner circle, with the Humans and Jotunborn in an outter circle.



All races and subspecies are camped together, based on family and community groups.