The Vaettir

The wilderness's of the realms are also full of strange fey creatures, collectively called The Vaettir. Some of them are nice, and some of them are most certainly not. Though it not completely accurate, they are often referred to as nature spirits or elementals. Another word for them is Wights, or Fey; terms heralding from Midgard and used by the Human's who settled on the Higher realms. Whilst there are countless species of Vaettir the following are the most recognised.


The Huldra are forest spirits; they look very Alfarian when they become corporeal, with exceptionally pale skin, pointed ears, and usually dressed in wispy green if female or brown garments if male. They are found mainly on Alfheim and Vanaheim where the wilderness is vast.

They can be both malevolent and benevolent depending on their experiences with the other races. They can can disappear at will into the trees and brush of the forests at will. The malevolent ones can cause a lot of problems, with the wilderness taking over homes very quickly if a Huldra has been angered. Those who are benevolent usually steer clear of Alfar altogether.

Iron will keep them corporeal.


The Nacken is an entity which lies in wait in bodies of water in order to drown those who come by. They are usually found on Alfheim and Svartalfheim where there are vast areas of open water and marshes. They have only been seen as Male; whether females exist is unknown.

It is rumoured these creatures were once Alfar or Svartalfar who had been wronged by their communities, and were turned into these creatures when they fled into the wilds. There is no evidence for this, however. Their call is said to be hypnotic, which is how they managed to ensnare their victims. They can be identified by their green hair and skin that is veined in green.

They can be killed only on dry land, and there has been some success in this by wearing covering on the ears, and pretending to be ensnared.


The Vele are harmful, bird like creatures with wicked talons and a piercing call. They can roam in packs, and be very destructive when they want to be. It is unknown why they are disposed to causing harm, but have been known to descend upon communities to both kill and flying away with pets and farm animals. They are found on Asgard and Alfheim, and are usually found roosting on mountains and seaside cliffs.

Until recently, they were exceptionally hard to kill, being a lot stronger than the most mortal species, despite their appearance. Since Ragnarok it has been found that the scream of a Human hurts them. They can be disorientated and captured in this manner.


The Kallra are water spirits; they look very Alfarian when they become corporeal, with exceptionally pale skin and pointed ears. They are usually dressed in blue garments that are tight fitting. They are found mainly on Alfheim and Vanaheim where wilderness is vast. They can disappear at will into any body of water, are usually found at springs, though can be seen at any type of water body.

They can be both malevolent and benevolent depending on their experiences with the other races. The malevolent ones can cause a lot of problems by flooding crops and houses if a Kallra has been angered. Those who are benevolent have been known to assist in the farming ventures of Alfar, but only ever for one person who has helped them. Once that person has died, the Kallra will no longer help.

Iron will keep them corporeal.


The Sylphs are air spirits; they look very Alfarian when they become corporeal, with exceptionally pale skin and pointed ears. They are usually dressed in whites, and can be found by following the wind to its source.

They are generally only found on Alfheim and can be both malevolent and benevolent depending on their experiences with the Alfar. The malevolent ones can cause a lot of problems by creating storms which destroy homes. Those who are malevolent have been known to divert bad weather from those who have befriended them.

Iron will keep them corporeal.


The Vittror are land guardians, and are very rarely harmful. They have been known frequently to appear when the harvest is in session to help with the reaping. They never speak, though all know that they take payment in milk and bread. They have a grey or golden cast to their skin, similar in appearance to the Svartalfar, but they are definitely not of that race.

They are found on Asgard, Alfheim and Vanaheim. They can also disappear at will, much like some of the other Fey. On occassion, a Vittror will appear with a baby Wyrm that has been separated from its mother, and entrust its rearing to a family it is familiar with.