

Alfheim was historically populated by the Alfar peoples. They are ruled by the High Alfar, also known as the Lloss Alfar, within which is the Royal family of the world. They have their seat of power at the Alfaran Capital city Tallallamé. There are two other types of Alfar upon the world; the Vighta and the Dokkar. Details of these can be found through the race links below.

There are also Humans upon Alfheim, who are treated as equals by most Alfar. By the Lloss however, they are merely tolerated and are not allowed in positions within the royal household, for traditions sake. This is the same for any Alfar/Human Hybrids, who are treated as equals by all but the Lloss. Hybrids are not common however as most do not come to term. For those who are strong enough to enter the world, they are only found in Dokkar and Vighta communities.

The world is mainly covered in wilderness, with the inhabited parts being upon the central island. The rest of the world is the dominion of creatures called the The Vaettir, a collection of fey-like creatures native to the Higher Realms. These creatures tend to keep to themselves – but not all are nice!

Alfaran architecture is majestic and beautiful, with delicate wood and steel works containing intricate patterns and colours throughout. No matter where an Alfar lives, within Tallallamé or a small farming village, their homes will be beautiful.


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The Triple Isle
The Borderlands 

The People of Alfheim

Generic article | May 30, 2021

Humans upon Alfheim have made their way into most of Alfarian society. They are farmers, traders, craftsmen, warriors, bards and most other things that can be thought of. Humans can be found within the communities of Vighta and Dokkar Alfar, and are treated as equals. The Lloss Families are less tolerant towards them, however, and as such you do not find Humans within the royal household, or within the houses of the Lloss. This usually means they are not found living within Tallallame, though there are exceptions.

Humans can also be found within both the Pilgrim's Order, and the Warriors Lodge; even though these institutions are run by the royal household the presence of Humans within the ranks is seen as necessary for service towards repaying the Alfar's generosity in allowing them o their world.

Generic article | Jul 1, 2021

Upon their home world the Alfar are found in all villages, towns and cities of Alfheim. The three castes of Alfar all have their place in the progress of society. The Lloss Alfar are mainly situated within the Capital city of Tallallamé, where all 6 Lloss Families have their estate strongholds. The ruling caste who use words as well as deeds, they usually favour the Avatar of Air.

The Vighta are normally farmers and found in villages and small towns, working the land. They normally favour the Avatar of Earth The Dokkar are usually traders and are found along the coast lines where they have their ships in order to move goods around the realm. They normally favour the Avatar of Water.

Religion of Alfheim

None of the old Northern Gods live upon Alfheim any longer. When Frey, the old appointed King of the Elves, died at Ragnarok, the Alfar no longer took to the worship of the Aesir or Vanir.

Provenance is the Alfar's path of faith, following their abandonment of their worship of the Gods after Frey's death. After what is now called the Night of Enlightenment in Alfheim's history, three divine beings appeared to the peoples of Tallallame and outlined a new religion for the world. Most who looked upon them or heard their voice, knew that this was their path. The Alfar had always been a people who understood nature, but now nature was making its presence known. The three Avatars of Provenance is what they are called; that of Earth, that of Water and that of Air. They are the Provenance, and Alfheim now follows the Nine Tenets. The History section below has the full story of the Coming of Provenance, as well as an account of the history of Allfheim.

Organisation Structure

The Circles of the Pilgrims Order

The Order of the Pilgrims govern the religion across Alfheim. It consists of several internal circles, which seek knowledge and inspiration in different areas.

Pilgrim Council

Those who seek communion Provenance.
This is the highest level, centred in Tallallame itself, and consists of those who have been once of the lower levels, and then part of the inner council to then ascend in the hopes of hosting the Avatars.

The Inner Council

Those who are required as personal council to the High Priest.
Only those who have served as a Preacher or a Seeker for nine years can be chosen to serve on the inner council, and serve a further three years in that role before either ascending to Pilgrim or descending back to where they came from.

Preachers Council

Those who wish to spread and guide others in provenances care.
These are the men and women who become Priests and Priestesses, charged with moving around the realm to spread the word and teachings of Provenance.

Seekers Council

Those who seek answers to questions and deeper meanings of Provenance.
These individuals are eternally in debate and self induced trance in order to delve into the meanings of the Tenets.


These are those individuals who have been apprenticed to the Councils, and who are learning the Tenets in order to graduate to a council upon completion of their learning.

The Tenets of Provenance

Tennants of Provenance
Click for larger image

Culture of Alfheim

Social Standing

A lot of Alfarian culture has always worked on the social standing of the Alfar themselves. This is also viewed in two way. The way the Lloss Alfar view it, and the way everyone else views it.

The Lloss Alfar believe that there is a very clear cut order to the ways of the realm, with themselves on top of this order. To them they rule at the highest social standing, followed by the Vighta who are the more amenable of nature of the two other castes, and then followed by the Dokkar. In recent years Humans have been added this, and even more recent, Hyrbrids. To the Lloss, Humans and Hyrbids will always be below the Alfar.

From the view of the rest of the realm, this hierarchy isn't as clear cut. The Vighta and the Dokkar have their specialities, that of farming and sailing repectively, and so must work together to make trade and commerce work. This is a mostly harmonious relationship and as such there is no one over the over. When the Humans came to Alfheim, they were welcomed into the communities of the Vighta and the Dokkar, and became part of everyday life.

The Hallowed Hunt

When Frey left to take his place and play his own part in Ragnarok, he left his bow as sign that he would return; yet he never did. During the Age Of Conversion and the spread of Provenance the bow was taken to Svaralfhiem to realign it with their current beliefs. Those in Svataflheim did not understand the reasoning but did not refuse the large payment handed over by the throne. With Preachers casting in prayers outside the Forge room, the old bow was reworked into what would be called the Hallowed Bow.

An oath was made to the new weapon that sacrifices would be made of elemental creatures in order to empower the bow every year, and align it with the element of choice. The wilds of Alfheim have always been filled with fey creatures, known collectively as Vaettir, who live and work in amongst the three elements of earth, air and water.

  • To align with Air creatures of Earth and Water must be sacrificed.
  • To align with Earth creatures of Water and Air must be sacrificed.
  • To alight with Water creatures of Air and Earth must be sacrificed.
  • Dependent on the element aligned, the bearer of the bow could reputedly do different things; Air would allow blow to throw their targets backwards regardless of where they hit; Water would allow poison or wounds to be healed from the body; and Earth would give the bearer hardened skill, able to take more damage before being felled.

    The bow is generally held by warriors of the Lodges who have earned acclaim and fame for their deeds, though it is not unheard of for it to without a bearer if none are suitable. It has currently been without a bearer for over a generation, with peace reigning in the Realm.

    The Warriors Lodges

    The Warriors Lodge is an institution of warriors across the realm of Alfheim. They are always lead by a Marshal who is always a child of the King. The current Marshal is Princess Veda. The Lodges function on the skills of martial prowess.

    When a student first steps into the hall of a warrior Lodge they will be assessed on all forms of teachings to see where their founding level is. Tactical card games are played alongside blunt weapons training in the early years of learning. A student of a warrior Lodge will find a home and a master no matter the lodge they travel to.

    The levels within the Lodge are based on the weapon paths that a student picks. Just because one may be a master in one weapon art does not mean they are not still a student in another. It is only the Generals that can claim they are no longer students for they have learned and earned their place within the Lodges and the realm in all weapons. When not at war they will train all who ask; for the more one becomes a master the more they become a teacher.

    The Levels of Membership

  • Student:

    To learn a particular path from its founding stages.

  • Adept:

    Has proven a high knowledge and skill of a their chosen path

  • Master:

    Has mastered a particular path. And can now teach others their own fails and triumphs.

  • General:

    Has Learned and maintains a high level of skill of all paths required for the role.

  • Marshal:

    The younger child of the current King and Queen.

  • Players who want to come from a Lodge can only be a Student level.

    The Lloss Families

    All Lloss Alfar are part of a Family. There are 6 Lloss Families.

    Family Straysinger

    The current ruling Royal family. House Straysinger was influential in setting up the Royal Court in the age of Desolation and has been Ruling since Frey's Death. The first ruler was Vauluner The Proud. He gathered the most powerful families of Alfheim and convinced them that they could trust in his rule, and to side with him. They are the only Family who does not have scores of members. Wheras the other families are large, consisting of many brothers and sisters, cousins, second cousins, uncles and aunts, Family Straysinger is always only the royal family themselves.

  • Current Member of Court: The King.
  • Famliy motto: Ever Enduring, Ever With Provenance.

  • Family Leyndarmál

    The family of Leyndarmál are ever watching and ever listening. They are the eyes and ears of the throne. They seek any movement against the royal families interest, or against the betterment of Alfheim. They are the first to report to the Royal family and last to raise complaints to the throne The majority of the family of Leyndarmál venerate the Avatar of Air above the others, for it is secrets and rumours they trade in.

  • Current Member of Court: Tarik The Unseen.
  • Family Motto: We are the eyes in the gloom and the ears in the walls.

  • Family Uppskera

    The family of Uppskera are mainly made of traders. They determine the rate of trade that comes to and from Tallallame, and controls the worth of goods. The family has trade stations across the land of Alfheim, so that the peoples of the Vighta and Dokkar do not need to travel too far to trade their goods.

  • Current Member on Court: Amila Mistress Of Trade.
  • Family Motto: Everything has a price.

  • Family Hafid

    Family Hafid have made the service of the royal family their personal mission. They run the royal household in matters of administration, celebration and ceremony. They control all who work and live within the palace walls, and are often confidents of the Royal Family themselves. They take great pride in their work, and are fiercely loyal to the crown.

  • Current Member Of Court: Niahm The Matron.
  • Family Motto: Keep the whole together, so we may all prosper.

  • Family Orofin

    The Orofin were the first members of the Warrior Lodge, chapters houses of which can be found throughout Alfheim. These lodges have been used throughtout the ages to train Alfheim warriors under the overall supervision of the Lodges' Master; who is always a child of the current King. The members of Family Orofin maintain the training at the Chapter Houses throughout Alfheim.

  • Current Member Of Court: Aurailla The FellHanded
  • Family Motto: We only fall so we can rise once more.

  • Family Lutter

    Unlike other Lloss families, Lutter are made primarily of Priests and Priestesses of Provenance. They maintain the shrines throughout Alfheim, oversee rituals, and train others in the ways of the Order. They may seem quite placid but they are in fact some of most zealous of Alfar. They will also not only defend their faith with extreme prejudice, but also the shrines and other places of worship with their lives.

  • Current Member Of Court: Teclis The Pilgrim
  • Family motto: Ours is to make sure all welcomes Provenance into their lives.

  • Players can bring in groups or individuals who are part of a Lloss family

    The Banners

    All Vighta and Dokkar Alfar, and now the Human refugees as well, are part of a Banner. This is an ancient custom, which heralds from far before Ragnarok when the realms were at conflict during the War of the Gods, and before Frey came to be their King. The Alfar and Svartalfar were unwillingly pulled into this war, though were not forced to fight themselves often. This gave rise to the Banners on Alfheim. They are a coalition of Alfarian families, which if the realm was under attack would band together to fight. In their daily lives they are not warriors, but all Alfar believe that if their world is under threat all should assist. Each Banner is named based upon a plant or animal. In recent years, post Ragnarok, new banners have also formed that have used the three elements of Provenance as well. The leader of a Banner passes to the eldest member of the alliance of families forming that banner. Most of the time these elders appoint a younger representative in their own family to take charge, however, so that the leadership stays consistent for longer.

    Humans have also joined these Banners, or formed their own.
    Lloss Alfar do not form Banners; they instead have their Families.

    Players can bring in groups which are Banners

    The Artistic Alliance

    Across Alfheim there are those who specialise in the painting of their fellows faces. All Alfar paint their faces with intricate patterns, and some have made the practice of doing this their livelihood. The Artistic Alliance provides training in the art of colouring the skin, and the best of these are very highly sought after and are paid highly for their painting skills. The ink they use is semi-permanent, and so must be reapplied, creating a constant trade. The Master of the Alliance is based at the island town of Asyalin, and all who train in this art must spend several years there before they are allowed to roam the realm.

    Players can say that they are from the Artistic Alliance

    Histories of Alfheim

    The following are prominent events, or timelines, in Alfheim's history.
    Check back regularly, as more may be added

    Map of Alfheim

    Click here for larger map