Antitank Rifles in Beyond the Barbed Wire | World Anvil
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Antitank Rifles

Early on the anti-tank rifle was a treat to the lightly armored tanks that spearheaded the military forces of most nations, but the race was on the build bigger and better tanks that could carry thicker armour – thus the days of the anti-tank rifle were numbered.

Required Feat: To use the weapons listed in this category a character will require the Weapon Proficiency (personal firearms) feat, or suffer -4 to attack rolls.

Weapon Name Damage CRIT PEN Type Range RoF Feed Size Weight
Anti-tank Rifle Model 97 3d12 18-20 +2 Ballistic 130 ft. S 7 Box. Huge 148.8 lb.
Boys AT Rifle 3d12 19-20 +0 Ballistic 200 ft. Single 5 Clip Huge 36 lb.
Panzerbuchse 38 2d12 19-20 +1 Ballistic 190 ft. 1 - Huge 35.7 lb.
Panzerbuchse 39 2d12 19-20 +1 Ballistic 200 ft. 1 - Huge 27.7 lb.
PTRD 1941 2d12+4 19-20 +1 Ballistic 160 ft. Single - Huge 38 lb.
PTRS 1941 2d12+4 19-20 +1 Ballistic 160 ft. S 5 Box. Huge 46 lb.


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