"Kozo" meant "goat" in a now-extinct dialect of orcish, and the tribe that coined the term was famous for raising massive specimens as beasts of war, capable of living off the land and eating damn near anything they could get their teeth on. The Federation incorporated the term into its unofficial bestiary, using it to describe any goat-like creature that lacked supernatural enhancements but was still of sufficient size or ferocity to seriously threaten an unarmed human.
On Python, a variety of goats that the locals have taken to calling Kozo have been sighted roaming the hills to the west. Standing about 5 feet at the shoulder, they are massive specimens, with powerful muscles, thick and sharply curling horns, and shaggy grey and dirty-white fur. Attempts were made to tame them, but met with limited success; the beasts are incredibly ornery, and even those raised in captivity are aggressive enough to require constant vigilance and a masochistic willingness to suffer broken bones and possible concussions on the part of their handlers. They are currently classified as a "hunt-on-sight" target by the FExCorps office in Bridgetown, due to the damage they are capable of causing if they move too close to a settled area. Though their meat is tough and gamey, the horns, hides, and furs can be traded for a fair price.