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Ted and the Spiders

General Summary

April 8-11, year 1; Cherubix, Dezy, and Faraday   After Faraday and Cherubix spent all their drinking money at the Golden Flagon and Dezy & Ko finally recruit a guy named Kevin to her DNR department, they go out to check on a group of miners (earn more gold). Dezy was a bit down considering her goblin had been taken away by the authorities for questioning and her gremlin managed to escape his bonds in the night.   As they followed the road, Ko spotted what looked like an abandoned farm ahead. The group approached the farm and inspected the corn. It was odd colored. They were all purple and brown with fuzzy orange and yellow spots on the husks. While the group explored the road between the corn rows, they came under attack from husks being flung. They escaped without damage and Ko flew over the farm. A strange, small form followed him out and he flew back to the group. Ko shared the description with Dezy and Cherubix. Cherubix realized this was a Fastachee, but somehow corrupted.   Faraday, with the blessing of Light, healed a corn stalk of the fungal corruption and angered the fastachee and brought him closer to the edge of the corn field. Inspired, Faraday ran in and managed to partially heal the fastachee after Cherubix blasted it onto its back and then incapacitated it. Barely hanging onto life, they took the fastachee, now named Ted Fleeachi, to a local farmer who gladly offered his farm as a source for Ted to be healed. With Cherubix’s fae knowledge, Dezy’s ritual skill, and Faraday's massive light blessing, Ted was connected to healthy farmland once again. Though he would have preferred corn, the wheat farm would do. In exchange, the group gained access the farmer’s barn whenever they needed.   The next day, the group went back to the farm to rid it of the corruption. Without Ted using the corn to attack them, they got to the farm buildings and discovered a source of evil in a well. After a small skirmish with a corrupted ooze, Faraday et al cleansed the land using the water irrigation system. A night’s rest well earned.   As they headed to the mines, they ran into the skeletal remains of some goblins and a large bird with a skull covered in intricate carvings. The skeletons were quick work for the group. The spiders immediately inside were less so, but with the help of a couple of Cherubix’s fire elementals, they were killed. Feeling safe, the group slept in the first chamber.   During the night, a goblin spider shepherd attempted to surprise the group but was also taken care of. There was a religious looking mandala on the shepherd that Dezy removed. She also grabbed some spider eggs while Cherubix’s fire elementals cleared the tunnels of spider webs.   The final chamber held the gargantuan body of the mother spider and crack in the stone that was leeching black smoke. An evil voice was taunting the group, but despite its best efforts the group defeated the spider mother, resealed the good energy keeping the evil at bay, and collapsed part of the mine.   A quick journey back to town to explain their findings and to borrow a few mules to bring back all the mining equipment found the adventures happily back in the tavern. Faraday paid a local bard to write a song epic about him, Dezy had a meeting with Rhaz’m Khar, and Cherubix set up a firing range to practice her fireballs next to the alchemist’s shed.
Report Date
09 Dec 2017
Primary Location
Infested Farm
Secondary Location
Spider Pit

Cover image: by Alexander Pohl


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